Gosh, can you believe it's 2023 already?… It seems just yesterday I was sitting in first grade celebrating the century change. I know we haven't really chatted since Christmas. Sorry. Anyway, I have some difficult news and I really didn't want to call and talk face-to-face. Ted's had a promotion and I should be up for a hefty raise this year if I keep putting in those crazy hours. You know how I work at it. Yes, we're still struggling with the bills.
Timmy's been 'okay' at kindergarten although he complains about going. But then, he wasn't happy about day care either, so what can I do? He's been a real problem, Mom. He's a good kid, but quite honestly, he's an unfair burden at this time in our lives. Ted and I have talked this through and through and finally made a choice. Plenty of other families have made it and are much better off.
Our pastor is supportive and says hard decisions are necessary. The family is a 'system' and the demands of one member shouldn't be allowed to ruin the whole. He told us to be prayerful, consider all the factors, and do what is right to make the family work. He says that even though he probably wouldn't do it himself, the decision is really ours. He was kind enough to refer us to a children's clinic near here, so at least that part's easy.
I'm not an uncaring mother. I do feel sorry for the little guy. I think he overheard Ted and me talking about 'it' the other night. I turned around and saw him standing at the bottom of the step in his PJ's with the little bear you gave him under his arm and his eyes sort of welling up. Mom, the way he looked at me just about broke my heart. But honestly I believe this is better for Timmy, too.
It's not fair to force him to live in a family that can't give him the time and attention he deserves. And please don't give me the kind of grief Grandma gave you over your abortions. It is the same thing, you know. We've told him he's just going in for a vaccination. Anyway, they say it is painless. I guess it's just as well you haven't seen that much of him.
Love to Dad: Jane
"You shall not murder." (Exodus 20:13)
-Facts of the Matter, (First Things First, Page 84, Number 85)
It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of Yahweh. - Lamentations 3:26
Has God forgotten to be gracious? Has he in anger withheld his tender mercies? - I said in my alarm, I am cut off from Your sight: nevertheless You heard my cry for mercy when I cried to You for help.
Will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night, will he keep putting them off? - Wait on Yahweh and he will save you. - Rest in Yahweh and wait patiently for him: do not fret because men succeed in their ways; when they carry out their wicked schemes.
You will not need to fight in this battle: take up your positions; stand firm and see the salvation of Yahweh.
Let us not become weary in doing good: for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. - Be patient then until Yahweh's coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop and how patient he is for the Autumn and Spring rains.
Psalm 77:9. Psalm 31:22. Luke 18:7,8. Proverbs 20:22. Psalm 37:7. 2 Chronicles 20:17. Galatians 6:9. James 5:7. - Daily Light on the Daily Path
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This is what I read first thing last Thursday morning. I have no idea how these words affect you right now, but to me they were a generous sprinkler to a dry lawn!
Some of you know our situation. For those who don't, let's just say our RI finances are impossible. After a little more than a year, we have seen very little change. In some ways, things have gotten worse, despite some enormous attempts to bring it under control. It can be very discouraging!
In times like these the days roll unendingly into each other and you begin to doubt God's presence- or at least his promises and blessing.
Then God throws you a bone!
As I ponder anew God's promises and blessing, I am encouraged. Is the end to our financial woes in sight? Absolutely not. But I have learned not to get off the train in the tunnel. There IS light ahead even if I don't see it right now. And in my experience of these things God has NEVER failed!
Even though I sometimes feel like there's no possible way out of this hole, I can remember the many times before when God has brought me out of the hole. This may be the biggest hole I've ever faced, but it's not bigger than God!
God has called me to equip and empower His people for their ministries.
"But I would bring everything to the test of the Word and the Spirit. Not the Word only, but the Word and the Spirit. 'God is spirit,' said our Lord, 'and they that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in truth.' While it is never possible to have the Spirit without at least some measure of truth, it is, unfortunately, possible to have a shell of truth without the Spirit. Our hope is that we may have both the Spirit and the truth in fuller measure."
- A. W. Tozer