Sunday, December 16, 2007

Mean People S . . . well, Stink!

In the last couple of weeks both Debbie and I have come across mean people. I'm not saying we met a couple of people that were ornery, I am talking about all-out, full-in-your-face, "I hate the whole world and YOU'RE the one I'm taking it out on" kind of people! Sounds a bit like George Bernard Shaw's quote:

"Do you know what a pessimist is?
A person who thinks everybody is as nasty as himself
and hates them for it."

Both of our instances took place when we were trying to be helpful to a particular person/group and the other person just so happened to be one of those "mean people." So they weren't interested in anything we had to say- in fact, they intentionally ignored any attempt to clear up the apparent misunderstanding and proceeded to jump down our throats- feet first. I guess they thought our motivations were just like theirs and rushed to a conclusion.

The truth of the matter is, being mean is a sin. God is never mean and he desires us to be anything but mean to his children. When we are mean, we offend God (the definition of sin) by hurting those he loves. Making matters worse are those Christians who are known as mean people! "A mean Christian-" talk about an oxymoron!

When confronting mean people it takes everything we've got to not respond in kind. Although there are situations that call for us to stand up to the mean person. Jesus once cleared out the temple because people were being mean to other people (by cheating). His response was not mean, but forceful.

I can recall times when my Dad, who is the most gentle man I know, stood his ground against a mean person and would not back down. I admired his forcefulness and tenacity in the face of glaring meanness.

Mean people are hard to deal with, but we've got to do it, because they're out there and you never know when you're going to find one blocking your path. Don't let them get away with it- call them for their sin and maybe you will help them see the error of their ways.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Merry Tossmas!

I just received an e-video from a friend. I think many of you will appreciate it as much as I did, so click and watch.

Merry Tossmas!

Now that you've seen the video . . .

Merry Christmas too!

Sunday, December 02, 2007

The Teen Connection

Debbie and I have a special place in our hearts for the next generation. God has given us a spiritual connection and we enjoy that interaction. As I sit here at my computer, I am reminded we currently don't really have any particular group of teens (and/or young adults) we can call "our own."

I am really missing that.

Not that there aren't any teens around us- we just don't have much connection with them (and even less opportunity to interact on their level and just have fun with them). There are a few we are beginning to get to know, but those times are few and far between. And it's hard to break down those barriers without a little more constant interaction. Maybe the coming year will include more chances to take advantage of. I hope so.

It's a good thing we still have the Internet! Facebook and email are where they live these days! And we appreciate hearing from them every now and then.
Too bad there are systems we have to live with that would keep us from more easily connecting this way.*

So this blog's dedicated to all my young friends out there- most of you know who you are. We're missing you and all those hanging around times. Missing Halo, Survivor night, volleyball, jokes, long talks, comic books, game nights, etc. You're all very special to us and even more so to God. We cherish knowing you and pray for your continued powerful influence in the world around you.

- - - - -
* Maybe there'll be more on this thought in the near future . . .

Saturday, November 10, 2007

I Live in Road-I'-lin

Every place has it's uniqueness.

For instance, when living in Maine I learned that:

* You cayin't get theyah from heyah (spoken very slowly).

* If you weren't born in Maine, you'll NEVER be from Maine.

* Be careful when you ask for directions. You'll likely get something like this: "...then turn at the big tree..."

* there are 3 seasons in Maine: WINTER, Mud Season (also called black fly Season) and Summer (but you can't really count Summer, because it only lasts 1 week long).

* In Winter, you might actually have to pay someone to shovel snow off your roof.

Now that I live in a place spelled "Rhode Island" I have begun learning the uniqueness of my new home. So far, I've learned that:

* Spelling doesn't matter, it's pronounced "Road-I'-lin" (said quickly, with a heavy accent on the I).

* You've heard of 6 degrees of separation? In RI, it's only 2 degrees; everyone either knows each other or they are related. It's a small state after all.

* They don't really like to put road signs on the cross roads. It's okay to know what road you're on, but the road you want to turn on is a carefully guarded secret. After all, you should know where you're going.

* Be careful when you ask for directions. You'll likely get something like this: "...then turn where the old Armory used to be..." If that's confusing to you, check the point above- you should know where you're going.

* People born in RI don't like to travel far- and that means anyplace over 15 minutes (I'm serious).

* It's a law that every block HAS to have a Dunkin' Donuts on it.

I'm SURE there are more, but this is my list so far. I'll keep you updated as I'm indoctrinated. You gotta love this place. I do!

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Fear Factor

Scene One: Central New Jersey, a quiet little suburb of Red Bank near the East coast of the Atlantic Ocean. Fade slowly in:

I was sitting in my living room reading. It was early evening and my family was moving around the house doing their respective routines like homework, watching TV and washing clothes. It was a typical evening in the Burr home.

I don't remember what I was reading, except that it was spiritual in nature. Probably something by Peter Wagner, as I have read almost everything he has written! Anyway, I was comfortable, I was enjoying a good book and I was in a fine mood.

Out of the blue, God called for my attention. I was so totally drawn away from my reading, I closed my eyes to avoid any unnecessary distractions. I wanted to be open to what God had to say to me. I listened carefully.

I began to well up with a sense of the spiritual realm around me. I was aware that angels were all around, but it wasn't like they were around me specifically- they were just everywhere. Moving around, watching, protecting, whatever else angels do.

I perceived God wanted me to go outside. It was a cold night and the wind was blowing a bit, so I put on a coat and stepped out into the frosty air.

"Well, I'm outside, what do you want me to do?" I asked God.

I soon knew I was to pray for the people in the houses that surrounded ours. I started with the house right across the street and made a full circle to the right until I was back to the first home again. We lived almost at the end of the street, so there were six houses, one being at the very end of our three block long street. Part of my prayer was to request that God station angels at these homes. I prayed that these angels would guard and protect these homes and the people who lived in each.

When I finished with these six neighbors, I looked up the street. That's when I knew I should continue, so I moved off my lawn and onto the pavement. Walking down the middle of the road, I eventually went all the way to the other end, stopping momentarily to pray at each home and asking God to position angels at each location. I asked for a legion of angels at both the Police station and a ladies league building next to it.

When I reached the other end of the street, I just understood I was finished with my assignment. I had no clue what it was all about, but I did what was asked of me. So I turned and began my short walk back home, praising God and rejoicing with the angels that were now stationed all up and down the street where I lived. I went back into my living room, picked up my book and continued reading from right where I left off.

"Interesting," I thought, but had no idea what it was all about.

Scene Change: Next evening, same setting, but it's later. It's dark out, everyone else is in bed.

This night as I'm reading, I begin to feel afraid. We all get those weird "alone in the dark" sensations, but this was completely different. I tried to ignore it, but it was growing stronger. Before long, I was really frightened. Of what, I didn't know. All I did know was that moment by moment, I was becoming more terrified than I could ever remember.

It got so bad that I put my book down and started praying. I closed my eyes tightly and prayed for dear life. Nothing happened except that my fear grew greater. After some time of this, I realized my hands were stiff. I then noticed that I hadn't moved a muscle for a long time. I was frozen in place; I was "scared stiff!"

I wanted to open my eyes, but was afraid to do so. I imagined all kinds of evil beings hiding in the dark outside my living room window, peeking from behind furniture, ducking out of sight in the kitchen, creeping down the stairs, crawling up the chair I was sitting in. In short, I didn't know what to do! I could hardly even pray and my fear was getting worse by the second. I sensed evil all around me and it was out to get me.

I have no clue how long I sat there transfixed in my seat, but I finally got up the courage to drag myself out of the chair and into the kitchen. You have no idea how hard that was! I grabbed the phone off the hook, punched the speed dial to my pastor (my brother) and slid down the wall to hide beside the counter on the floor as low as I could get. I closed and locked the basement door and turned on every light, while I avoided looking out the window or into the other room.

"Howie- 9-1-1!" I cried, as I filled him in on my situation. I knew I needed prayer support, so I was glad when he began to give it. But nothing happened; I continued to get worse. He was praying alright, but covering everything under the sun- sort of like wide spread buck-shot- hitting everything, but not doing much damage to anything in the process.

We talked a moment and together decided we needed to be more specific. I was afraid, so Howie said we should pray against the spirit of fear. "Do it," I said. "I'm not going to be much help in my present state of mind." I remember he prayed that God would send His angels to help us in this fight.

As he prayed specifically now, my mind began to clear a bit. Suddenly, I understood we were praying against "the Strongman of Center Street" (the street where we lived). When I told Howie that, he began to pray even more specifically using that name I was given.

Then I realized the Strongman of Center Street was not fear. Fear was much more powerful than he and seemed to be coming in as if called alongside the Strongman to help him intimidate me- or worse.

When I told Howie this, he began to pray that people in Fear's area of responsibility would begin hearing and understanding the Gospel. That they would start accepting Jesus as their savior and overthrow the enemy's hold on their lives. Now we were getting somewhere! I could pray again and we continued to pray that people would come to the Lord in droves and Fear would be caught with his pants down, so to speak. We envisioned Fear away on a pleasure trip while those under his control were leaving the enemy's camp and turning to Jesus. I imagined people in bars, just getting up and leaving, sensing there was more to life. We could almost see "the Boss" coming in and screaming red-faced: "What is happening here?! Where is Fear?!"

Needless to say, Fear dropped everything he was doing with me and ran away so fast, it must have made the Strongman of Center Street dizzy! We took advantage of his stupor and ousted him from his assignment on Center Street.

Right then it was if a light switch was flipped. I was no longer afraid. Fear did not leave slowly, little by little, as it had come. It was instantaneous! We had finally hit the nail on the head.

I stood up confidently and looked through the window. I was not afraid. I opened the basement door and gazed down into the dark. Nothing. Things that moments before had unnerved me, held terror no more!

It was about then I remembered what had happened the night before. God had me station angels all up and down my street. Every house had at least one standing guard and there were two legions watching from the other end of the street. When we asked for angelic help, they didn't have far to go! God, in His infinite wisdom, knew what the enemy had planned for me and made sure help was nearby to assist ASAP. And help they did! The worst thing that happened to me was merely a sensation of fear. I suppose it could have been much worse if I wasn't being protected from the unseen realm. We rejoiced!

After I thanked my brother for his aid, I went outside, knelt on my lawn and praised God for His awesomeness. I could smell the cleanness in the air- almost like the way a fresh Spring rain cleans the air- but this was in the spiritual realm. I was aware of God's cleansing blood that flowed down the three blocks of Center Street that night.

- - - - -

Today I am reminded of Daniel, when he prayed seeking an answer from God for 24 days. An angel came with that answer and told Daniel that God had sent him immediately after he had spoken to God about it the first time. But on the way, the angel had encountered an evil enemy who deterred him all that time until Daniel's continued prayers gave the angel a more powerful reinforcement to help him get through to Daniel (Daniel 10). I wonder what would have happened if Daniel's answer angel had already been stationed nearby?

There really IS a war going on in the heavenlies. We might not see it daily (it's probably a good thing we don't!), but that does not deny its existence. Our prayers cause things to happen that would not happen if we didn't pray. When we start praying, we should not let our entreaties quickly fade. The "ammo" we pray into the spiritual realm gives strength to those on our side. The "ammo" we fail to pray defaults our enemies an advantage because our side is not strengthened.

Epilogue: It's been about ten years since that night. Fear has not bothered me from that day to this. Oh, he tries now and then, but I know his secret and how to defeat him, so he doesn't stay long. He used to have much more control over my life, but it's hard for me to even remember those days. I won my Fear Factor challenge thanks to Jesus.

Fade to Blood red.

- - - - -

Prayer: Lord, our enemy would keep us in fear. He would keep us blind- especially to his existence, that he could better hide his evil work. But we have the truth! We know he exists; we know he fights against us and we know that when we stand up against him, he runs like a frightened puppy.

We are tired of blindness and tired of being afraid. We choose to open our eyes and fear no more.

I speak the truth over you, that you would be free from the enemy's lies and his hold over you. You were created to be victorious and I proclaim that destiny. Seek and find your place in the war.

I speak peace and joy into you, from the Holy Spirit of God Himself. Go with that blessing upon your life and spread it around.


Tuesday, October 16, 2007

My First Step

I've gotten some good advise regarding my last post- "But What Can I DO?" I'm not sure yet how I'm going to put it all together, but for now I've decided I need to really start to get the word out about human trafficking. These blogs are a part of that, but I'm also trying to get the word out through Facebook.

Facebook has an application called "Causes." By adding the app, you can post information about that cause on your profile. You can also donate to the cause and invite friends to join your cause or get them to donate too. I've joined a few causes, but so far the one I'm putting most effort behind is "Stop the Traffik."

If you're on Facebook and you're my "friend" look me up, click on my Stop the Traffik link and join. I'll get "credit" for getting you to join and I'll know my first step is working. If you're not my friend, search for my name, add me to your friends and send me a note telling me who you are and that you saw this note on my blog.

Then YOU can start getting your friends to join and help spread the word too. Come on! This is a simple way to get the ball rolling. You can help make a difference. We all can.

Get the word out there!

Monday, October 08, 2007

But What Can I DO?

For a couple of years now I have been very concerned about human trafficking. It all started when I saw a made for TV movie "Human Trafficking" with Mira Sorvino and Donald Sutherland. As I watched, my heart was broken and I sat quietly with a dull ache hanging over my spirit. The next day, even before the second part of the movie aired, I began searching the Internet to find out more. I wanted to DO something about it.

I found plenty of links and learned a lot, but other than send money, I came up empty. And which organization would make the most difference? Which would use my donations most wisely? Obviously, TSA was a good choice, but even if I did that, I still got no closer to personally DOING something and making a difference. And you're never really in on where your money goes, who you're helping and what it DOES to help.

Sending money at an issue like this seems like a way to avoid getting personally involved; sorta like keeping it all at arms length. It's always easier to throw money at such things than to actually roll up your sleeves and DO something (Debbie & I support 2 children through TSA, but we can't get personally involved in their lives [not that we don't want to]. We rarely hear any news about them and I usually feel like we're just trying to placate our conscience the easy way).

I have written a few blogs on the subject and lately taken to inviting friends on facebook to join the cause (and a few other good causes) to get the word out there, but even that seems like it's just "the socially acceptable thing to do."

When I recently asked Rob Dolby what I could do, he suggested I take a prostitute out to lunch. That shocked my system, but actually sounds plausible. Still, the average prostitute I would see on a street corner might not be trafficked (although many are [even though it's not seen that way in American courts] if you follow the path that led them to that place- it would certainly be a similar thing).

What really bothers me about trafficking is that women and children are kidnapped and hidden away from those who might actually be in a place to help them (like me taking them to lunch, developing a respectable relationship with them and helping them make a good choice [with most it's no choice at all] to get to safety). My heart SO breaks when I hear of such injustice!

I'd like to wear the "I am Coming" ring, but they haven't been produced yet! Not enough people have joined the cause through them to get them made. But wearing a ring, except for educating people, does exactly what?

That hurts me deeply at this point, but I guess all I can DO is pray my ache back to Jesus, who put that ache in me in the first place. He aches SO much more than I over the people trapped in trafficking; they are his children.

Interestingly enough, my prayers can actually DO something while I wait for a more tactile thing to DO.

Anyone out there have any suggestions?

Prayer: O Yahweh! Bare Your mighty arm on behalf of your captive ones! Comfort, protect, bring hope and a way out. Keep them from physical, emotional and spiritual harm. Let them know of your undying love and concern. Break their captor's teeth, cause them to get caught and punished! End this blight on humanity and help us to DO what it takes to bring true freedom to all.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Riding the Wave

I have been thinking about the term "Riding the Wave" and while it sounds like a fun ride, it occurs to me that it can be cool as long as you know where the wave is headed.

I can think of three different destinations for waves:

1) A nice, wide, sandy beach. This is the place everyone assumes they are headed when riding a wave. I've seen surfers finish out their rides right on the sand without even stepping in the water! Nice! If this is where you are headed, as long as the ride is a good one, the end is justified.

2) A rough, rocky jetty. This would certainly not be a place you want to end up. Yet it happens a lot more than people want to believe or admit. While they are paying attention to the ride and assuming it's taking them where they want, they miss where the final stop ends up. "Pride goes before a fall," scripture reminds us. This is not a happy ending, but many never even include this possibility in their plans.

3) Out to sea. This happens when outside forces like wind or currents redirect the wave. This ride never ends or does so when it is far from the safety of shore with no chance of a safe landing.

So when you think you want to ride the wave (of whatever) in your life, make sure you take the wave God is directing you to. That will give you the first result. When you pick the wave, it's more likely you'll end up with a second or third place result.

And that crash at the end can devastate more than your ego.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

The Empty Nest

Yesterday we settled our son into his new college dorm room in Ohio. Naturally he wanted his parents out of the picture as soon as possible, so we obliged. As we were walking around the mall, I began to feel . . . well, empty and sad. There, I said it.

When we left Bangor, Chris stayed behind, but because he had friends, a job and trusted family friends around the area, it was no problem for me. I knew he'd be fine as we moved on to Rhode Island. If he had any difficulties or needs, he had people around he could turn to. He did fine on his own for those 3 months.

But this is different. Even though I know he's very excited, he's now going to be 14ish hours away, with the closest family friends 1 hour away. He's living in a college dorm with a bunch of guys from all around the country we don't know at all. The school doesn't even have a meal plan, so he's on his own for food. I imagine him eating Ramen noodles and potato chips for 2 straight years!

So here I am feeling very sad and emotional about leaving him on his own- what an empty feeling! The last time I felt this way was when Jenn was heading back to Vancouver after her first Christmas break at home. Ugh! Who knew these cute, rambunctious little toddlers would grow up to cause such heartache in their parents!

Knowing he won't read my blog, I know I can freely write these things. If he knew- he'd probably rant a bit! But I know deep down, he feels similarly (even if he'd NEVER admit it!). That probably makes it that much worse.

So I'm praying for Chris to find some good Christian friends, a good church family (we're all going to a local church tomorrow) and to do well in his studies. I pray he'll keep busy so he won't feel lonely, he'll eat well (enough to survive!), find a job to supplement his finances, and stay away from spiritual dangers that want to sweep him far away from God (He's already found a friend who invited him to church with him tomorrow!).

Please join Debbie & I in these prayers. And while you're at it, pray for Chris' parents too!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

One More Walking in Holiness!

Debbie and I are just getting back from the New England ARC Men's Retreat at Camp Wonderland, Mass (ARC = Adult Rehabilitation Center). We were the Officer Guests. We weren't able to stay through SonDay, because we're specialing (TSA speak for being the special guests) in Newport tomorrow (can hardly wait!).

What a privilege! There's something real special about hanging out with a bunch of men who have taken themselves through life's wringer, but are now actively seeking God.

We're seeing a different side to the ARC lately. I believe it's because of the wonderful officers at the Providence ARC. Tom, Patty and Peggy are awesome officers who really love their people. It's a tough love, but necessary in getting them to recognize their need for God. We've become good friends quickly and are enjoying these three very much!

While at the weekend, I had the opportunity to chat specifically with a couple of men. Both were powerful conversations, but the last one led to some deep prayer. We prayed about a couple of things, but ended praying for holiness! I love it when God uses me to lead someone into a sanctification experience!

God is doing some wonderful work in the ARC. If you don't know much about them, look them up and get involved. You'll love it- I do!

Friday, September 14, 2007

It's Time . . .

I was searching for a picture of "bowing before God" on Google and guess what I found? The blog of one of my friends from The War College- Sarvesh Kumar (Joshua)! And it came up on the second page! Some people can't pay for that kind of advertising- wow!

I've added Sarvesh's new blog to my list on the right: It's Time to Put up or Shut up.

Sarvesh (who goes by Joshua in English) is a Christian from India and convert to our Army because he wants to win this world for Jesus and he actually believes we're going to accomplish it. I must admit, there are days I'm not so sure we are going to fulfill our divine commission. But on those days I must also admit if we don't do it, it's my own fault, not some nebulous "they" somewhere out there.

And then I remember Joshua. His spirit is contagious. His drive to spread the Good News grounded in reality. If anyone's going to do it, it's him. But, hey! Why should we let him have all the fun?

We can join him by working to win our own little world. If we each did that, combined in this Army of ours, we'd have arms wide enough to wrap around the whole earth and actually accomplish what we say we are doing while we do everything but.

Go ahead- read Joshua's blog. But if that's all you intend to do, don't bother. Rather, read and join the cause- win the world!

Sunday, September 09, 2007


This morning as I was hanging out with God, I was listening to an album by Vicky Beeching ("Yesterday, Today & Forever"). Now it usually takes me awhile to settle myself down to truly worship, so by the time I got to her 9th piece, I was ready- "Captivated." Here are the words that broke into my toughened heart:

May my life be one unbroken gaze
fixed upon the beauty of Your face.

I was undone.

Life can be so difficult! Work, people, schedules, meetings, computers, traffic, time . . . these things can drain the joy out of us. Their constant nagging, clamoring for our total attention. If we're not careful, they can slowly pull us away from our first love. We may go kicking and screaming, but off we go anyway.

But in moments of solitude, silence . . . being alone with God, we can recapture that which is really important- worship of the One who is more valuable than anything.

May my life be one unbroken gaze
fixed upon the beauty of Your face.

I don't have anything else of value to say here. It's all up to you now- get away from that computer, shut the door, turn off the TV. Whatever it takes, get alone with God and just be quiet.


Fix your gaze on the One who loves you and desires more than anything else to be with you and let you know of that love.

My work is done, but yours is just beginning.

Monday, September 03, 2007

Warfare Prayer

I don't know who wrote it or where it came from (or I'd credit them), but I have been carrying a little pamphlet in my Bible for many years. It's titled "Warfare Prayer" And has Ephesians 6:10 on the cover "Last of all I want to remind you that your strength must come from the Lord's mighty power within you."

It's quite long, but I have used it many times when the struggles seem overwhelming. I reprint it here in it's entirety hoping that you too will be able to use it in the battle. Cut and paste it; keep it handy.

And it IS a battle. Never forget the WAR we are in. When we forget, that's usually when we begin our worst struggles.

- - - - - -

Heavenly Father,

I bow in worship and praise before You. I cover myself with the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ as my protection during this time of prayer. I surrender myself completely and unreservedly in every area of my life to Yourself. I do take a stand against all the workings of Satan that would hinder me in this time of prayer and I address myself to the true and living God and refuse any involvement of Satan in my prayer.

Satan, I command you, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, to leave my presence with all your demons, and I bring the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ between us.

Heavenly Father,I worship You and I give You praise. I recognize that You are worthy to receive all glory and honor and praise. I renew my allegiance to You and pray that the blessed Holy Spirit would enable me in this time of prayer. I am thankful , heavenly Father that You sent the Lord Jesus Christ into the world to die as my substitute that I would be redeemed. I am thankful that the Lord Jesus Christ came as my representative, and that through Him You have completely forgiven me; You have given me eternal life; You have given me the perfect righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ so I am now justified. I am thankful that in Him You have made me complete, and that You have offered Yourself to me to be my daily help and strength.

Heavenly Father, come and open my eyes that I might see how great You are and how complete Your provision is for this new day. I do, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, take my place with Christ in the heavenlies with all principalities and powers (powers of darkness and wicked spirits) under my feet. I am thankful that the victory the Lord Jesus Christ won for me on the cross and in His resurrection has been given to me and that I am seated with the Lord Jesus Christ in the heavenlies; therefore, I declare that all principalities and powers and all wicked spirits are subject to me in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I am thankful for the armor You have provided, and I put on the girdle of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the sandals of peace, the helmet of salvation. I lift up the shield of faith against all the fiery darts of the enemy, and take in my hand the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God, and use Your Word against all the forces of evil in my life; and I put on this armor and live and pray in complete dependence upon You, blessed Holy Spirit.

I am grateful, heavenly Father, that the Lord Jesus Christ spoiled all principalities and powers and made a show of them openly and triumphed over them in Himself. I claim all that victory for my life today. I reject out of my life all the insinuations, the accusations, and the temptations of Satan. I affirm that the Word of God is true, and I choose to live today in the light of God's Word. I choose, heavenly Father, to live in obedience to You and in fellowship with You. Open my eyes and show me the areas of my life that would not please You. Work in my life that there be no ground to give Satan a foothold against me. Show me any area of weakness. Show me any area of my life that I must deal with so that I would please You. I do in every way today stand for You and the ministry of the Holy Spirit in my life.

By faith and in dependence upon You, I put off the old man and stand into all the victory of the crucifixion where the Lord Jesus Christ provided cleansing from the old nature. I put on the new man and stand into all the victory of the resurrection and the provision He has made for me to live there above sin. Therefore, in this day, I put off the old nature with its selfishness, and I put on the new nature with its love. I put off the old nature with its fear and I put on the new nature with its courage. I put off the old nature with its weakness and I put on the new nature with its strength. I put off the old nature with all its deceitful lusts and I put on the new nature with all its righteousness and purity.

I do in every way stand into the victory of the ascension and the glorification of the Son of God where all principalities and powers were made subject to Him, and I claim my place in Christ victorious with Him over all the enemies of my soul. Blessed Holy Spirit, I pray that You would fill me. Come into my life, break down every idol and cast out every foe.

I am thankful, heavenly Father, for the expression of Your will for my daily life as You have shown me in Your Word. I therefore claim all the will of God for today. I am thankful that You have blessed me with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. I am thankful that You have begotten me unto a living hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. I am thankful that You have made a provision so that today I can live filled with the Spirit of God with love and joy and self-control in my life. And I recognize that this is Your will for me, and I therefore reject and resist all the endeavors of Satan and of his demons to rob me of the will of God. I refuse in this day to believe my feelings, and I hold up the shield of faith against all the accusations and against all the insinuations that Satan would put in my mind. I claim the fullness of the will of God for today.

I do, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, completely surrender myself to You, heavenly Father, as a living sacrifice. I choose not to be conformed to this world. I choose to be transformed by the renewing of my mind, and I pray that You would show me Your will and enable me to walk in all the fullness of the will of God today.

I am thankful, heavenly Father, that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds, to the casting down of imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and to bring every thought into obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore in my own life today I tear down the strongholds of Satan, and I smash the plans of Satan that have been formed against me. I tear down the strongholds of Satan against my mind, and I surrender my mind to You blessed Holy Spirit. I affirm, heavenly Father, that You have not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. I break and smash the strongholds of Satan formed against my emotions today, and I give my emotions to You. I smash the strongholds of Satan formed against my will today, and I give my will to You, and choose to make the right decisions of faith. I smash the strongholds of Satan formed against my body today, and I give my body to You, recognizing that I am Your temple; and I rejoice in Your mercy and goodness.

Heavenly Father, I pray that now through this day You would quicken me; show me the way that Satan is hindering and tempting and lying and counterfeiting and distorting the truth in my life. Enable me to be the kind of person that would please You. Enable me to be aggressive in prayer. Enable me to be aggressive mentally and to think Your thoughts after You, and to give You Your rightful place in my life.

Again, I now cover myself with the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and pray that You, blessed Holy Spirit would bring all the work of the crucifixion, all the work of the resurrection, and all the work of Pentecost into my life today. I surrender myself to You. I refuse to be discouraged. You are the God of all hope. You have proven Your power by resurrecting Jesus Christ from the dead, and I claim in every way Your victory over all satanic forces in my life, and I reject these forces; and I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ with thanksgiving.


Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Guest Blogger Day

Today I have a guest blogger: Ashley Phillips. She's a Salvationist from the South, whom I met at The War College in Vancouver. Today she wrote the following on facebook and I was so impressed, I wanted to share it with you. Looks like our TSA future is in good hands, huh?

Blood and Fire Baby!
I got this new sense of pride today. But not pride in a sinful way. Pride like I have in my country. Almost like a patriotism. For The Salvation Army.

I don't know where it came from. But I am not complaining that it did come.

I was talking to Tammi last night about my preliminary testing this Thursday for training. And she asked me if i was nervous. And of course my first response was to say yeah, i hate tests . . . I have never been one of those people who can pass any test that is put in front of them. But i thought about her question...and i had this epiphany.

I am 100% sure in my heart that God wants me to be a Salvation Army Officer. So, why be nervous about some tests to become one? Sure, i may not be the most theologically smart person in the world...and I may not be psychiatrically sane all the time (who is really?) . . . and yeah, I get the doctrines confused sometimes (and I'm not the only one! . . . We believe that whosoever will may be saved!) But I love this army. I love the mission of this army. I love Jesus, and I know God has so much in store for this army that our generation will bring to life.

Guys . . . we are the future of this Army! That is some pretty exciting stuff! I mean . . . just think . . . We are going to see God do things in this army that will blow us away. All these things that burden us about this army, God wants to use us to change. And we are going to be his workers. His Servants. His Soldiers. God wants to use you! What an honor! If that doesn't excite you, then somethings wrong! The creator of this whole universe . . . the One who made every tree, mountain, river, ocean, and star beautiful and breathtaking . . . The guy who knitted you in your mothers womb to be exactly who you are today . . . He wants to use you! Will you let him? Will you let Him send you to places of darkness where the Love of God has never been preached? Whether that means in a far away country, or a few yards away to your neighbors door . . . will you go? Will you trust Him to guide you? We need to cast out this complacency that has hit this generation. This idea that as long as we are saved then that's all we need to do. Because that breaks God's heart. He wants to use us. Will you let Him?

In the words of our great founder: "We must wake ourselves up! Or somebody else will take our place, and bear our cross, and thereby rob us of our crown."

If I rise on the wings of the dawn
If I settle on the far side of the sea
Even there your hand will guide me
If I say, The darkness will hide me
And the light will become night around me
Even there your hand will guide me
Darkness will not be dark to you
It will shine like the day Darkness is as light to you
For even there your hand will guide me.
-Psalm 139:8-12

Sunday, August 26, 2007

People are NOT Our Projects

Danielle Strickland once told me of an interaction with a "running friend" she had made. After developing a good relationship over time, and getting close to "winning" her new friend to Christ, out of the blue her friend asked her: "am I one of your 'projects?'" Danielle said it was a wake up call when she realized people are not "our projects."

What is it about us Christians that causes us to think we can make people our projects and not really care about them as friends (and/or people)? As if we can just toss them away once we use them (get them saved or whatever) and move on to the next project . . . when you begin to think about it that way, it feels really icky, doesn't it? I hope it feels icky, because if it doesn't, you're gonna need more help than this blog entry can provide!

I'm convinced we see ourselves as "better than" others. Especially those who aren't saved. In some "not-sure-how-we-get-there" thought process, we think it's okay to treat people like they're not people as long as it's in order to get them saved. Kinda like the end justifies the means.

Well, guess what?

Did you guess?

People are the most important priority we have. We will NEVER be justified using people to make us look good (to some imagined power over us), then tossing them aside and moving on to bigger and better things once we accomplish our "mission" on them.

Is that person your project? Take this test to find out:

1) Do you desire to hang out with the person and really get to know them?

2) Have you opened YOUR heart to them, as well as expect them to open up to you?

3) Do you really care about the person as a friend?

4) Do you still want to be their friend even if they don't "get saved?"

5) Do you see the person as more important than yourself (or your "ministry")?

6) Do you really listen to what the person has to say?

If you answered "NO" to any of these questions you might want to examine your intentions in this relationship.

People are our priority (as Jesus exemplified) and we should never climb over them to get even one rung higher on our way up the ladder.

Prayer: O God, please help me to see people as you do; to honor them and hold my relationship with them at the highest possible level. May I be a good witness to them, but may I just plain be a good friend- because I certainly won't be a good witness if I use them and drop them on my way by.

- - - - -

PS: Here are all the wrong answers to the above questions:

1) I just want to use the person so I look like I'm a good Christian to everyone who may be looking. Maybe God'll give me a better situation in life for my next test.

2) I'm not ABOUT to actually open my heart to the person. I don't need anyone, after all!

3) As long as the person THINKS I'm being a friend and it looks good, I'm okay.

4) Are you kidding? If the person doesn't accept Jesus by Tuesday, I'm outta here (If they do, I'm outta here by Wednesday anyway)!

5) Actually, God has made me better than the person (by virtue of my job or giftings), so I have a completely different set of standards to live up to.

6) Huh? What did you say?

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Guidelines for Answered Prayer

Since we're praying unceasingly for God to provide $2.5 million to cover our local debt, I thought it would be good to post some guidelines for answered prayer. I'm not sure where I got these, but they've been proven in the testing field of life, so I recommend them for you.

1) Envision a Clear-cut Objective - Be Specific!

Too many people pray for "everything and everyone;" in generalities. You know, like "God bless everyone in the whole world!" So how do we know if God has answered that prayer? It would take quite awhile to ask everyone to find out!

When we pray, we should ask for exactly what we want God to do. "God, heal John of cancer," etc. In our case- $2.5 million dollars! Be specific in your prayer requests.

2) Develop a Burning Desire for the Objective - See it Accomplished!

Often, I've found we pray for things we don't really care about. And if we do care about them, we certainly don't act like it. Imagine a little kid asking his father for a new bike. He's going to ask his Dad once and leave it at that, right? HA! Yet we often ask God for something ONCE and then drop it. Sounds like we really care about the subject, don't ya think?

While we're developing a burning desire, we should envision our objective actually accomplished. See your prayer in your mind's eye having been answered. Believe it has already happened.

3) Pray for Assurance - The Rhema Word!

Once we see our objective accomplished in our mind's eye, we should then start asking God to give us the assurance that he WILL answer this specific prayer. In short, that's called the Rhema Word (Greek). Once we get that assurance, it's all over but the shouting . . . and that's the next point:

4) Claim and Speak the Word - Tell Others!

Start shouting it out. As if it has already happened, if you'd like, because it WILL happen- God has said so (remember step 3 above?) and you KNOW it deep in your spirit (Gotta LOVE that Rhema Word!).

There you have it- some nice proven guidelines for answered prayer. Try it- it works!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

I Get by with a Little Help from my Friends

I'm looking for a couple of specific books. I've checked all my usual book sites and apparently, both these books are easily found, but for some reason, have become VERY expensive. And I am not currently willing to pay $50 or more for books that were originally only $11.

That's where all of YOU come in.

If anyone knows the whereabouts of either of these books (for a decent price), let me know. Thanks in advance!

If all else fails, I'm going to try the library when I get home.

The Omega Conspiracy
I.D.E. Thomas
Publisher HSPI
Published September 1990 (an earlier pub is fine)

The Facade
Michael S. Heiser
Publisher Xlibris Corp
Published September 2004

Saturday, August 11, 2007

The Spiral of life

I just finished reading a three book series called "The Nephilim Series" by L. A. Marzulli. If you click on the Title above, it will link you to his website where you can learn about the books and their premise.

The first book is "Nephilim." The second is "The Unholy Deception." The final book is "The Revealing: The Time is Now." Click HERE to get prices and where you can buy them.

If you've ever wondered about the "Nephilim" mentioned in scripture, but
couldn't find much on the subject- here's your chance to learn more.

I really enjoyed these books! So much so, I just ordered his latest book, which is not fiction, but looks at the end times (a subject that has always interested me) in a different way than his first series.

Some day I should blog about some things I've learned about the Nephilim. But for now, if you're interested- get the books and enjoy them. Then let me know you did.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

The Cool Test

Okay, having had my last blog "quiz" kinda blown outta the water immediately (thanx Travis), I figure I should now drop this one on my unsuspecting readers.

This test is based on how cool you were in High School- how many friends you had, what crowd you ran with, etc. It's scientifically documented as very accurate. Once you take the test, you may want to have your friends take it as well to see if they've changed any.

So, to see if you are STILL a cool person:


So how did you score? Any change?

Sunday, August 05, 2007

A Question for You

Okay, who knows this one?

What is the Musician's Theory of Relativity?

If no one answers correctly, I'll leave the answer in the comments in a few days, so check back.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Standing Strong

I'm trading my sorrows;
I'm trading my shame;

I'm laying them down
For the joy of the Lord . . .

I'm pressed but not crushed
Persecuted but not abandoned;

Struck down but not destroyed.

I am blessed beyond the curse,
For his promise will endure

That his joy's gonna be my strength.

Though the sorrow may last for the night,

His joy comes with the Morning!

- - - - -

In this world you will have many troubles,

but take heart!
I have overcome the world!
- John 16:33

- - - - -

The One who rules in heaven laughs!

- Psalm 2:4

- - - - -

The quotes above and some others have come to me from various sources in the last few days (most directly from God). As I sit in the midst of many "troubles," God has made me aware that none of them will crush me. None of them will be my undoing. In fact, when I really dwell on it, it gets funny that The Enemy thinks he can discourage me through "issues," when I know Yahweh is the one in control!

I mean, come one! Things may look impossible to me, but to God? HA! What's a mere $2.5 million to God? What's a little personality struggle? What's a tough email? What's a United Way report deadline? What's a $2000 doorstop of a computer? As I delve deeper into these (and more), some of them may look increasingly impossible to me, but to God? HA! I say! Double HA even! {lol}

The "trick" is holding firm in faith, believing God will come through as he has promised. Bottom line: He's NEVER failed me before; He has ALWAYS come through. My history with Him proves that over and over again. I could tell you some incredible stories . . . (another blog).

So as I build myself up in faith by reviewing the many times God's saved me in the past, repeat God's promises to me, write these things down AND speak them out loud to others, I am strengthened and encouraged. I am emboldened to step up to the plate and swing away! And I can do it in perfect calm; His peace.

There will come a day (sooner than later) when I will be able to look BACK on these times and rejoice that God WAS there; that he came through AGAIN; that he kept me in the palm of his hand through it all.

The only question that remains is whether I was able to stay faithful in the midst of it all. Did I trust IN the storm or did I wilt at its imagined fierceness? Was I overwhelmed or did I stand strong?

Right now, I'm standing strong. I trust in my God and I will show that faith to anyone who comes near.

Just you wait!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

No Problem: Gene's Praying

There's a series of commercials from an account temp agency that feature the ultimate employee- "Bob." Apparently Bob can handle ANY job and makes even the best employee cringe that he is around their office. I've laughed over the years as I've heard of Bob's exploits in the office world. I missed them while I was in Maine, but with our move to Rhode Island we're back in their business area again. "No problem: Bob's here!"

I spotted Gene Bragg at the back of the OOB pavilion this morning. I wanted to say HI, so I moved back to see him. After a few words of greeting, he told me "I'm praying early every day for you and Debbie."

That's certainly nice to hear, but immediately after those words uttered by Gene, God spoke to my spirit and said: "THAT'S why you both have been so calm in the midst of your current situation. Gene's praying for you."

Just so you know- Gene's a powerful intercessor. We discovered that during our last 7 years in Bangor. When Gene prays, things happen because God listens. Of this there was NO doubt in my mind. Now if that's possible, after God's word to me, I am even MORE confident!

Now I don't want to ignore that fact that there are a LOT of people praying specifically for us right now. We count on you all and appreciate EVERY prayer that goes up on our behalf. You're ALL awesome. I'm just telling you what God told me.

Now Debbie & I know exactly why we've been so incredibly calm in the midst of things that SHOULD be making us "crazy." Gene's praying.

Thanks Gene for your daily prayer support. We will be eternally grateful.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Friday Night at OOB Top 10 List

Friday night at Old Orchard Beach was awesome and there are many reasons I say so. Here's my Top 10 List:

10) It didn't rain!

9) I got to see "The Generals" coloring book made just for this year's meetings!

8) I was the first person to start off the 24/7 Prayer Room for the camp meetings (just like last year); 1 hour of POWER! The word I got was "It's all about Jesus."

7) It was (and always is) good to see many good friends and family!

6) It was great to be able to reconnect with a group of War College students who are all special to me!

5) I got to see and hug a few of my spiritual daughters (both official and unofficial ones)!

4) General Burrows spoke twice and was awesome (there were many seekers at the altar)!

3) I got to pray with a couple of people at the altar and General Burrows came down and prayed with us!

2) I got to spend some late hours praying with The War College Ministry Team for their week of Prophetic Evangelism at the OOB pier (praying with them is always fantastic)! God has some BIG plans for them this coming week!

1) The War College Team prayed for Debbie & I and gave us some awesome personal words from God about our specific situation in Rhode Island! One person who doesn't know our situation at all, spoke of the many children in our care and how God will be providing financially (as those of you who read my blog regularly know, we have a large Child Care Center in RI and we owe $2.5 million for its construction)!

Wow! More evidence God is working to get rid of that debt! Watch this space!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

No Rest

Lately I've been very tired. I know it's because of all the stress of moving, learning a new job, long hours doing hard work, etc. Although I'm sleeping fine, sometimes it feels as if I didn't get any rest the night before.

We've got a couple weeks of vacation coming up soon in August. That's when I'll be able to put aside the things screaming in my ear and get away from it all (Oh Calgon- take me away!). I'm going to take it easy, take some naps, watch Rays baseball in person and soak up some sun in Florida. I can hardly wait!

As I read my Bible I came across a passage of promise that God has quickened to my heart for Rhode Island:

O Rhode Island, I have posted watchmen (and watchwomen) on your walls (intercessors); they will pray to Yahweh day and night for the fulfillment of his promises. Take no rest, all you who pray. Give Yahweh no rest until he makes Rhode Island the object of praise throughout the earth.
- Isaiah 62:6-7

God has awesome plans for Rhode Island. Of that I have NO doubt! His promises to us are many- including $2.5 million, growth in our corps and spiritual stability. Our task is to be faithful praying for his promises to be fulfilled. We are to give God NO REST until he causes his promises to be realized and seen by all.

So here's a challenge to all intercessors whom Holy Spirit is nudging to pray for Rhode Island (or the Burrs)- get on God's case 24/7! Don't let him rest until he comes through for us. Not so we look good, but so HE gets the glory for it all (it's all about Jesus).

When we break through and God sends his promised blessing on us, then maybe we'll give him a break so he can take a couple weeks off in Florida.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


This morning during my prayer time, I opened a small devotional booklet given to me by some close friends. Today is day 11 and the verse is Luke 18:27.

"What is impossible with men is possible with God." - Jesus


Yesterday we had our first department head's meeting. In that meeting we talked about who we are, what our mission is and the many ways we're going to be working together in Rhode Island. We also talked about our financial position (not good) and a very large debt we have on our recently built Child Care Center facility. Two million, fifty-six thousand and some odd cents. Man! It looks even bigger when I spell it out like that!

You know, our operating payments expected monthly are barely going to scratch the surface of that kind of money. We're all going to be long gone before it will be paid off like that! Besides, if we have to make those payments, our regular operations are going to take a serious hit. Impossible!

But we're not in this alone. What's impossible for humankind is nothing to the God we serve (my God owns the kettles in a thousand malls!)! And that's right where I have decided to live. In his hands; trusting him for everything. Not just money.

We're praying for God to miraculously drop $2.5 million in our laps (we've got some other debt as well). We're asking that it be done in such a way that it could ONLY be God's provision so no one else could possibly take any credit.

We'd appreciate your prayer support in this. I promise to report right here WHEN we get our miracle. Watch this space- it won't be long.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Defects in Other Christian Faiths

The other day on the front page of our newspaper was an article about the Pope and his latest document release which restates the position that the Roman Catholic Church is the "only" true church. It states that other Christian communities are "defective" or not true churches; Catholicism provides the only true path to salvation.

What a sad thing! So much for the Second Vatican Council and working together for Christian Unity.

Are you thinking I'm about to complain about the Catholic Church? I'm not (except to start there). What my thoughts lean toward today are the fact that it is not unusual to hear this kind of thinking from other churches either. Now maybe not so obviously, but the more this thought process is kept hidden, the more insidious it really is.

I can't tell you how many times I've heard people say things which inform me they think their church is the only right one. And frankly, I hear it in The Salvation Army too. I've heard Salvationists say because another professing Christian drinks, they can't be saved. And other things like this, etc.

Church! No congregation has it all together! No one has every tenet of Christian faith figured out. We need each other to be able to see the entire picture of God's revelation to humankind.

Have you ever heard the story of the 6 blind men who were led to an elephant and asked to verbally describe what the creature is like? The first was taken to the trunk, the second to the tusk, the third to an ear, the fourth to a foot, the fifth to the belly and the sixth to the tail. Naturally they all disagreed strenuously over what an elephant was like!

That's the way I see the Christian Church. We each know only a part of God. If we argue over what part we know, we will never reach Unity, because we're only arguing facets, not the whole. But if we trust each other and agree that each denomination has something unique to bring to the table, we can see a bigger picture of what God is trying to tell humankind.

Certainly there are defects in other Christian faiths, but we must include our own faith in this statement or we will find ourselves in the Pharisee camp. As I recall, that's not a place I want to be. Do you?

Monday, July 09, 2007

All Road's Lead to . . .

An interesting phenomenon has happened to us since we moved to Rhode Island. We have learned that you can get anywhere you want in Rhode Island via Dunkin' Donuts.

Not sure what I mean? Here's an example:

Go straight down the road and turn left at Dunkin' Donuts. Then go about a mile until you get to Dunkin' Donuts, then turn right. When you come to a Dunkin' Donuts on your left, turn right and go until you run into Dunkin' Donuts. Now you're almost there. After the third Dunkin' Donuts, turn right at the Dunkin' Donuts sign and you're right where you want to be just behind the Dunkin' Donuts.

Repeat these directions for anywhere you want to go. It always works! It works even better when you're looking for Dunkin' Donuts!

So many people question whether God exists or not, but the truth is, everywhere you go, he's there. In fact, you can't get anywhere without passing God many times on your trip. And that's the problem- people just keep passing God and never stopping to chat or just hang out with him.

The next time you head to Dunkin' Donuts, take a minute to look for God. Trust me- he's there and just waiting for you to stop your running around and just chat a bit.

Saturday, July 07, 2007


There is a Bible verse traditionally used by Christians when relating the salvation process:

"for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" -Romans 3:23

Our purpose in using it is to get people to realize that no one is righteous in and of themselves; we need God.

But this morning as I was reading through this passage, it stuck me that although the verse ends after the word "God," the sentence does not. In fact there is an "AND" at the beginning of verse 24 that continues the author's thought:

"AND are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus."

Now it is true that we all have to see our need of God because no one can reach the mark of his righteousness on their own. But here God wants us to realize even though this is true, all who believe in Jesus are also justified (made righteous) freely. Our salvation is free because Jesus paid the price for us. That's grace.

The acrostic I have used for many years to define grace is

And there it is right in the passage that we have used for many years to "beat" the realization of sin into us sinners! Yes, we are sinners, but God didn't stop there. He went on to do what we couldn't do- procure our salvation (righteousness)- and then offer it to us for free!

Isn't that just like God? Right in the middle of our realization of our sin, he places an AND to let us know there is more. AND it's his GRACE.

AND here I am again, standing under the waterfall of God's GRACE. Nice.

(Click on the picture to go to and buy it)

Monday, July 02, 2007

Family in Rhode Island

It looks like there's family in Rhode Island! Jenn & Josh decided to vacation with us for about a week, so Chris decided to come down and see everyone too. He brought a couple of friends and spent most of the time at the beach, but it was great having everyone together at our home again.

It's interesting how the house instantly felt more like home when they all came to join us.

Ah, family. Can't beat it!

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Satan is a Liar!

I heard a good sermon today (actually 2). I have a page of notes I took and of the bloggable stuff I wrote, here is what I want to offer you today:

Satan is a liar!

Just like my native language is English, Satan's native language is Deception. I don't have to think about what I say, it just naturally comes out in English. Satan just naturally speaks lies and we need to learn that when he speaks to us, there is no need to wonder if there's anything we should think about in there somewhere. There isn't; he's lying!

He tells us things like "you're not as good as that person," "you're not up to that," "you can't," "people don't like you," "you're ugly," you're a loser," "you're not . . .," etc. Those are lies. Plain and simple- lies!

The trick, you see, is learning when it's Satan speaking and when it's God speaking. When you know that, it's no problem ignoring what Satan whispers in the back of your mind. And here's the key to knowing the difference: God loves you; Satan does not. When you hear good things about yourself, you know it's God speaking. When you hear bad things, it's Satan (or maybe it's your own voice agreeing with Satan's curses that he has already convinced you of).

God made you just the way he wanted to. Sure, you don't always live up to the potential he placed in you, but he loves you anyway. His love is not based on the condition of your doing well.

I am sick and tired of people convinced they are not good enough; not accepted, etc! Well, not sick and tired of the people, just sick and tired of the enemy's lies! God's plan is to bless you, not to curse you.

Yahweh your God would not listen to Balaam, but turned the curse into a blessing for you, because Yahweh your God loves you. - Deuteronomy 23:5

So there you have it. Satan is a liar, but God loves you. Simple, but serious truth for today.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Mary and Dave

Mary and Dave MacKay. If you know them, I don't need to tell you about them. You already know. Wonderful people!

We've just spent the last 7 years with them and grew to love them more every day.

We just spent the last 2 days with them and saw yet again how important they are to us.

Mary and Dave drove us to Rhode Island from Bangor. The obvious reason- someone needed to get the van back to Bangor. The hidden reason- we wanted to hang on to them as long as possible. If just for a few more hours.

The 5 hour trip down went quickly due to good conversation with good friends. When we arrived, they immediately began to help us figure things out, move furniture around, clean, etc. We worked late into the evening. Since it was a long trip, they spent the night with us- our first Rhode Island house guests!

They just drove off and left us alone with our movers. We cried as we said our final farewells and watched the van pull off around the circle. Even though we know we're going to soon see each other again at OOB, there is the knowledge that it won't be every day any more. Mary won't be able to house sit any more. We won't be able to sit and chat whenever we want, hang out in our small group . . . the list goes on and on.

Our final ties to Bangor have been severed and that is why we're sad. {sigh}

Thanks Mary and Dave for all your hard work. Thanks for always being there for us and helping out in many small (and BIG) ways. Thanks for your friendship and prayers. Thanks for being so important to us; you were and will continue to be a HUGE blessing to us. We'll miss you BIG TIME, but trust God has even more good things in store for all of us!

We love you!
Doug and Debbie