I found plenty of links and learned a lot, but other than send money, I came up empty. And which organization would make the most difference? Which would use my donations most wisely? Obviously, TSA was a good choice, but even if I did that, I still got no closer to personally DOING something and making a difference. And you're never really in on where your money goes, who you're helping and what it DOES to help.
Sending money at an issue like this seems like a way to avoid getting personally involved; sorta like keeping it all at arms length. It's always easier to throw money at such things than to actually roll up your sleeves and DO something (Debbie & I support 2 children through TSA, but we can't get personally involved in their lives [not that we don't want to]. We rarely hear any news about them and I usually feel like we're just trying to placate our conscience the easy way).
I have written a few blogs on the subject and lately taken to inviting friends on facebook to join the cause (and a few other good causes) to get the word out there, but even that seems like it's just "the socially acceptable thing to do."
When I recently asked Rob Dolby what I could do, he suggested I take a prostitute out to lunch. That shocked my system, but actually sounds plausible. Still, the average prostitute I would see on a street corner might not be trafficked (although many are [even though it's not seen that way in American courts] if you follow the path that led them to that place- it would certainly be a similar thing).
What really bothers me about trafficking is that women and children are kidnapped and hidden away from those who might actually be in a place to help them (like me taking them to lunch, developing a respectable relationship with them and helping them make a good choice [with most it's no choice at all] to get to safety). My heart SO breaks when I hear of such injustice!
I'd like to wear the "I am Coming" ring, but they haven't been produced yet! Not enough people have joined the cause through them to get them made. But wearing a ring, except for educating people, does exactly what?
That hurts me deeply at this point, but I guess all I can DO is pray my ache back to Jesus, who put that ache in me in the first place. He aches SO much more than I over the people trapped in trafficking; they are his children.
Interestingly enough, my prayers can actually DO something while I wait for a more tactile thing to DO.
Anyone out there have any suggestions?
Prayer: O Yahweh! Bare Your mighty arm on behalf of your captive ones! Comfort, protect, bring hope and a way out. Keep them from physical, emotional and spiritual harm. Let them know of your undying love and concern. Break their captor's teeth, cause them to get caught and punished! End this blight on humanity and help us to DO what it takes to bring true freedom to all.
hi Doug
Any chance you could remove my email address from the comment section, please? I'm just getting so much spam at the moment, I'm trying to eliminate some of the places that my address is picked up. You could have it on there as idelette at shaw dot ca--no problem, but not as is.
How are you doing in your search for taking action?
Okay- as you requested, I made the change and am reposting the comment here that used to be above your last one . . .
I posted a link to this entry on facebook and a few people responded there. So I figured I'd post them here so everyone's in on the conversation.
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Danielle taught me that one of the best ways to fight strongholds as vast as this is to spread the word. Knowledge is power! Learn all you can about the realities of human trafficking, educate someone else, and encourage them to teach someone else too.
There is also Freedom Fridays! Its a fasting and prayer incentive every Friday at lunchtime. You can contact Idelette McVicker at idelette{at}shaw{dot}ca ...she sends out prayer directives concerning human trafficking, and I'm sure she would answer any questions that you may have.
It might not be the 'ultimate' solution to a problem that our world faces, but its a least a start.
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I am feeling somewhat the same way. Not really effective in going for the lost and the worst. Human trafficking is huge and I don't know how to infiltrate to break it down.
I do a lot of the same things you do, sponsorship, and the like. I do feel I am too disconnected with that and it is too easy. Yet what is next?
I like your friends idea about taking a prostitute to lunch.
I think it is about getting personally involved with people that are vulnerable. Relationships with people in need.. meaningful relationships. Committed relationships! ouch!!!
I am hearing that a few human trafficking rings around the world are getting broken up. I think that is a good start.
If the church becomes all that it is supposed to become we will be in
the situation of Is 61:7 instead of shame my people will receive a double portion ...everlasting joy will be theirs. The church will have access to information from God that leads to open opportunities.
Folks will break out of this junk and come to the church, deliverance, healing wholeness and no condemnation.
We need to be radical. Not sure how that looks right now, but if we take it one step at a time. Take someone to lunch that does not fit in, God will show us the next step. Committed relationships!
I am with you, I gotta do something......pray and fast and get involved with the vulnerable.That is where I can start, with writing checks too... Lets see what God says the second step is.
I am trying to be committed to a small group of women in our corps that are very poor and need all kinds of help. The are very limited.
Trying to get in roads to there lives. One time we meet we all know we are in the presence of God. Then I don't see them cuz they don't show up for a couple of weeks. Hard!
Don't despise small beginings.
If God is breaking you heart He will show you how to help with the solution.
Let me know how your lunch goes. Remember Jesus sent folks out 2 by 2.
I will be thinking and meditating on this. Let's keep our eyes peeled and hearts open and check books available for God to show us the way.
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Danielle spoke on this at Aggressive Christianity Conference in Melbourne last week.
One thing she suggested are to visit a brothel every week (in a pastoral care role). She supposes they're not as hard to get into as we may think they are.
Another was to write to legislators advocating for legislative change, or to chocolate companies advocating the use of blood-free cocoa.
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I like that...I think the best way to advocate for a certain people group is to meet a few of them and get to know their stories. The best way to know how to act is to know what went wrong in the first place....get to know the individuals involved, and let God direct you in the best way to act for each individual you meet.
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Try tears (meaning travailing in prayer).
I read your blog about about human trafficking, I also saw the movie and I felt the same way, I am doing a project for my college about awareness, but I have a really cool Idea. If you are interested, make a blog about your interest, and I will be in contact with you!
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