Not sure what I mean? Here's an example:
Go straight down the road and turn left at Dunkin' Donuts. Then go about a mile until you get to Dunkin' Donuts, then turn right. When you come to a Dunkin' Donuts on your left, turn right and go until you run into Dunkin' Donuts. Now you're almost there. After the third Dunkin' Donuts, turn right at the Dunkin' Donuts sign and you're right where you want to be just behind the Dunkin' Donuts.
Repeat these directions for anywhere you want to go. It always works! It works even better when you're looking for Dunkin' Donuts!
So many people question whether God exists or not, but the truth is, everywhere you go, he's there. In fact, you can't get anywhere without passing God many times on your trip. And that's the problem- people just keep passing God and never stopping to chat or just hang out with him.
The next time you head to Dunkin' Donuts, take a minute to look for God. Trust me- he's there and just waiting for you to stop your running around and just chat a bit.
oops. If I remember correctlty those directions could have worked for Bangor as well. No matter where I was there was A Dunkin Donuts close by. It was also the first place I ate at when I got off the plane in Boston and that is where you took me almost every Sunday morning when you picked me up from my house a Dunkin Donuts on every corner. Good worh though. I have a different reminder to listen to God and chat a bit. At Starbucks whenever I have to make a PTL (Praise The Lord)(Passion Tea Lemonade)it just serves a quick reminder that God is even chillin at Starbucks.
haha nice post: i want dunkin donuts now!
mmmm.....dunkies. I've sworn off the stuff until after my trip to greece to save money. dang. now i want some.
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