Wednesday, July 18, 2007


This morning during my prayer time, I opened a small devotional booklet given to me by some close friends. Today is day 11 and the verse is Luke 18:27.

"What is impossible with men is possible with God." - Jesus


Yesterday we had our first department head's meeting. In that meeting we talked about who we are, what our mission is and the many ways we're going to be working together in Rhode Island. We also talked about our financial position (not good) and a very large debt we have on our recently built Child Care Center facility. Two million, fifty-six thousand and some odd cents. Man! It looks even bigger when I spell it out like that!

You know, our operating payments expected monthly are barely going to scratch the surface of that kind of money. We're all going to be long gone before it will be paid off like that! Besides, if we have to make those payments, our regular operations are going to take a serious hit. Impossible!

But we're not in this alone. What's impossible for humankind is nothing to the God we serve (my God owns the kettles in a thousand malls!)! And that's right where I have decided to live. In his hands; trusting him for everything. Not just money.

We're praying for God to miraculously drop $2.5 million in our laps (we've got some other debt as well). We're asking that it be done in such a way that it could ONLY be God's provision so no one else could possibly take any credit.

We'd appreciate your prayer support in this. I promise to report right here WHEN we get our miracle. Watch this space- it won't be long.


Anonymous said...

I'm praying with you! Not only for the money but for all our employees. Kathy

Anonymous said...

I with you!
That kinds money for God is a drop in the bucket!
He is a miracle making God!
I am looking forward for GREAT

Anonymous said...

I believe along with you, that He that planted the seed in the hearts and sisters gone by will fill those kettles with what you need daily!


Larry said...

i had a smaller and a bit less distressing situation as you described about 25 years ago. we were uncertain if we had enough money to keep the lights on in the corps. in two days God provided after we laid hands on all of the accounting tools, offering plates, the safe and even at our local bank and prayed. God not only provided enough for the month, but the heavens opened up and we got enough to make that place one of the best financially solvent corps we have ever been part of. God does answer, especially when we are faithful to his vision!!!

i will pray for you too.