Wednesday, July 25, 2007

No Rest

Lately I've been very tired. I know it's because of all the stress of moving, learning a new job, long hours doing hard work, etc. Although I'm sleeping fine, sometimes it feels as if I didn't get any rest the night before.

We've got a couple weeks of vacation coming up soon in August. That's when I'll be able to put aside the things screaming in my ear and get away from it all (Oh Calgon- take me away!). I'm going to take it easy, take some naps, watch Rays baseball in person and soak up some sun in Florida. I can hardly wait!

As I read my Bible I came across a passage of promise that God has quickened to my heart for Rhode Island:

O Rhode Island, I have posted watchmen (and watchwomen) on your walls (intercessors); they will pray to Yahweh day and night for the fulfillment of his promises. Take no rest, all you who pray. Give Yahweh no rest until he makes Rhode Island the object of praise throughout the earth.
- Isaiah 62:6-7

God has awesome plans for Rhode Island. Of that I have NO doubt! His promises to us are many- including $2.5 million, growth in our corps and spiritual stability. Our task is to be faithful praying for his promises to be fulfilled. We are to give God NO REST until he causes his promises to be realized and seen by all.

So here's a challenge to all intercessors whom Holy Spirit is nudging to pray for Rhode Island (or the Burrs)- get on God's case 24/7! Don't let him rest until he comes through for us. Not so we look good, but so HE gets the glory for it all (it's all about Jesus).

When we break through and God sends his promised blessing on us, then maybe we'll give him a break so he can take a couple weeks off in Florida.


Gideon son of Joash said...

hey do you guys need a ride to the airport? you know you can just give me a ring if you do.

Seeker of The Light said...

Airport? The Tampa airport? I thought you were in North Carolina? LONG trip for you!