Saturday, September 29, 2007

The Empty Nest

Yesterday we settled our son into his new college dorm room in Ohio. Naturally he wanted his parents out of the picture as soon as possible, so we obliged. As we were walking around the mall, I began to feel . . . well, empty and sad. There, I said it.

When we left Bangor, Chris stayed behind, but because he had friends, a job and trusted family friends around the area, it was no problem for me. I knew he'd be fine as we moved on to Rhode Island. If he had any difficulties or needs, he had people around he could turn to. He did fine on his own for those 3 months.

But this is different. Even though I know he's very excited, he's now going to be 14ish hours away, with the closest family friends 1 hour away. He's living in a college dorm with a bunch of guys from all around the country we don't know at all. The school doesn't even have a meal plan, so he's on his own for food. I imagine him eating Ramen noodles and potato chips for 2 straight years!

So here I am feeling very sad and emotional about leaving him on his own- what an empty feeling! The last time I felt this way was when Jenn was heading back to Vancouver after her first Christmas break at home. Ugh! Who knew these cute, rambunctious little toddlers would grow up to cause such heartache in their parents!

Knowing he won't read my blog, I know I can freely write these things. If he knew- he'd probably rant a bit! But I know deep down, he feels similarly (even if he'd NEVER admit it!). That probably makes it that much worse.

So I'm praying for Chris to find some good Christian friends, a good church family (we're all going to a local church tomorrow) and to do well in his studies. I pray he'll keep busy so he won't feel lonely, he'll eat well (enough to survive!), find a job to supplement his finances, and stay away from spiritual dangers that want to sweep him far away from God (He's already found a friend who invited him to church with him tomorrow!).

Please join Debbie & I in these prayers. And while you're at it, pray for Chris' parents too!


Seeker of The Light said...

This morning Debbie gave me this: Psalm 112:1-2

Blessed is the man who fears Yahweh, who finds great delight in his commands. His children will be mighty in the land, the generation of the upright will be blessed.


Anonymous said...

Awww, you make me cry too , know also been praying for the "adjustment" ages for all of you's, but so you know what came to me as I read your letter was the realization that everything that has happen to Chris happen for this very reason, Chris has been nurtured by the "best", and from these experience from early on, I see Gods hand in it so clearly all way from the time when the first time he spent the night at a friends house when he was lil, remember he kept wrestling with it, it wasnt to the last min he just went,but funny thing I recall is him getting up EARLY SAT morning and leaving the friends house without disturbing anyone's rest , he walk home and just rang the door bell at 6 AM on a sat. morning, cuz he didnt like being away from home" . No matter how old he gets I still believe thats Chris, He knows where his refuge is, he knows his "safe place" , He still the sensative boy, so no matter where he goes he still has that, and its still fine tunning. TBcontinued...

Gideon son of Joash said...

Ramen Noodles and chips?? He had to have learned how to cook Hot Dogs with me and/or Jon Howell. Probably not a real comforting thought but hey there's some for him. I'm always praying for him.