Saturday, November 10, 2007

I Live in Road-I'-lin

Every place has it's uniqueness.

For instance, when living in Maine I learned that:

* You cayin't get theyah from heyah (spoken very slowly).

* If you weren't born in Maine, you'll NEVER be from Maine.

* Be careful when you ask for directions. You'll likely get something like this: "...then turn at the big tree..."

* there are 3 seasons in Maine: WINTER, Mud Season (also called black fly Season) and Summer (but you can't really count Summer, because it only lasts 1 week long).

* In Winter, you might actually have to pay someone to shovel snow off your roof.

Now that I live in a place spelled "Rhode Island" I have begun learning the uniqueness of my new home. So far, I've learned that:

* Spelling doesn't matter, it's pronounced "Road-I'-lin" (said quickly, with a heavy accent on the I).

* You've heard of 6 degrees of separation? In RI, it's only 2 degrees; everyone either knows each other or they are related. It's a small state after all.

* They don't really like to put road signs on the cross roads. It's okay to know what road you're on, but the road you want to turn on is a carefully guarded secret. After all, you should know where you're going.

* Be careful when you ask for directions. You'll likely get something like this: "...then turn where the old Armory used to be..." If that's confusing to you, check the point above- you should know where you're going.

* People born in RI don't like to travel far- and that means anyplace over 15 minutes (I'm serious).

* It's a law that every block HAS to have a Dunkin' Donuts on it.

I'm SURE there are more, but this is my list so far. I'll keep you updated as I'm indoctrinated. You gotta love this place. I do!


Denise said...

I definitely got to see the missing streat signs first I passed your street without knowing it, of course! ;)

Anonymous said...

I'm with you on the directions. I want to know the street name! And yeah, the whole from Maine thing is weird. I have a husband and a daughter from Maine, I just live in Maine.