Sunday, December 16, 2007

Mean People S . . . well, Stink!

In the last couple of weeks both Debbie and I have come across mean people. I'm not saying we met a couple of people that were ornery, I am talking about all-out, full-in-your-face, "I hate the whole world and YOU'RE the one I'm taking it out on" kind of people! Sounds a bit like George Bernard Shaw's quote:

"Do you know what a pessimist is?
A person who thinks everybody is as nasty as himself
and hates them for it."

Both of our instances took place when we were trying to be helpful to a particular person/group and the other person just so happened to be one of those "mean people." So they weren't interested in anything we had to say- in fact, they intentionally ignored any attempt to clear up the apparent misunderstanding and proceeded to jump down our throats- feet first. I guess they thought our motivations were just like theirs and rushed to a conclusion.

The truth of the matter is, being mean is a sin. God is never mean and he desires us to be anything but mean to his children. When we are mean, we offend God (the definition of sin) by hurting those he loves. Making matters worse are those Christians who are known as mean people! "A mean Christian-" talk about an oxymoron!

When confronting mean people it takes everything we've got to not respond in kind. Although there are situations that call for us to stand up to the mean person. Jesus once cleared out the temple because people were being mean to other people (by cheating). His response was not mean, but forceful.

I can recall times when my Dad, who is the most gentle man I know, stood his ground against a mean person and would not back down. I admired his forcefulness and tenacity in the face of glaring meanness.

Mean people are hard to deal with, but we've got to do it, because they're out there and you never know when you're going to find one blocking your path. Don't let them get away with it- call them for their sin and maybe you will help them see the error of their ways.

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