About this time tomorrow, Debbie & I will be setting sail on a beautiful Western Caribbean cruise. Ahhhhh. It will be so nice to get some sun and warmth. Not to mention get away from snow (of course I won't mention that)! The ship pictured is the very one we'll be on! If you look closely, you can see me waving from the middle of the third deck near the rear . . .
Well the cruise will be nice, the neat things we plan on doing will be fun (SCUBA diving, cave tubing and more), the food should be way too fattening . . . but the best part is I get to spend a whole week alone with my best friend (alone is a relative term with thousands of people on the same ship)!
We've been saving for this cruise for a couple of years now, because we wanted to do something special for our 25th anniversary (in June)! Twenty-five years! All of them have been wonderful and I love Debbie more now than ever. It's true!
Debbie's been married more than half her life for some time now, but I've still got awhile to go to get there (I married a very young bride). My how time flies- the older you get, the faster it goes (actually, time is slowing down because of entropy, but that's another story entirely).
So since it costs $.95 a minute to get online while on the ship, I seriously DOUBT if we're going to be checking email or blogging (so much for tweaking my fantasy baseball team). We'll see many of you when we get back.
I'm generally a private person. I don't usually share about personal things with people I don't know very well. This includes sicknesses, which I almost never inform THQ to get my name on the "prayer list."
But God's been nudging me recently about my current situation, so here it is. I'm requesting your prayer support.
My doctor can't figure out why I have elevated (something or other) numbers relating to my prostate. The normal vitamins he suggests have not worked, in fact those irritating numbers have risen. So he sent me to a specialist who wants to do a biopsy. The specialist says I'm still too young to be experiencing such an issue.
He doesn't think it's cancer, but the testing is just to be safe and catch it early if it is. After the testing comes back negative, he wants to start me on a particular regimen to deal with an enlarged prostate.
You might think having the cancer word tossed around is making me nervous. It is not; I'm really not concerned at all because I don't believe I have it and I am refusing to accept such a diagnosis. I won't let the Enemy talk me into ANY sickness.
But at God's nudge, I am letting people know so I can be covered in prayer up through the testing and subsequent treatment (if I'll even need that after you all pray for me!). The test date is April 6; I'm not sure how soon I'll have the results.
There are a few of you out there I know will pray SERIOUSLY for me. I appreciate that and am counting on you. There are others who will pray as they read- I'll accept that with appreciation too! I trust God to listen.
Thanx. I'll keep you posted so you can share in the amazing outcome God brings about.
CWB has been accepted to the University of Northwestern Ohio! He's preparing to study Automotive Technology and has already earned some course credits that will be accepted there. Looks like Lima, Ohio will have to batten down the hatches and prepare for him to hit their fair city in the not too far future (August).
Now all we have to do is figure out how in the world we can pay for it! {sigh}
Recently, I've added some new blogs to my Blog Salute over on the right. I did them all in a hurry and I didn't take the chance to let you know about them at the time. So here's my plug for each of them. Give them a look- I believe they've all got some great things to say and well worth the read.
Pieces of Me, Jenn Ivany What can I say? She's a chip off the old block, so to speak! I like her writing style and you'll get some good blessing from her insights.
ArmyBarmy REMIX, Danielle Strickland Danielle is an incredible person! I don't know how many times I've gone into the wee hours of the morning talking with her and Steve in their living room in Vancouver. And when we finally break it up, I always feel like I've not had enough time! So reading her blog is a good way to get Dainelle's thoughts on a regular basis! Besides, I don't think I'm going to get to Australia as often as Vancouver. {sigh}
Sounds from the Streets, Stephanie Lines I met Stephanie this January in Vancouver. She's an intercessor in the Down Town East Side, so you'll find that perspective refreshing. And don't forget to check out that nice picture of her by the tree!
The Vision is . . ., Olivia Munn No- the vision is NOT Olivia Munn! (heh, heh) But you'll find some awesome thoughts here and lately some stuff from her latest book (soon to be published) on holiness. Deep thoughts here!
There you have it. The blog list just keeps growing! I don't know how I'm going to keep up with them all- especially when you add in all the others listed.
God has called me to equip and empower His people for their ministries.
"But I would bring everything to the test of the Word and the Spirit. Not the Word only, but the Word and the Spirit. 'God is spirit,' said our Lord, 'and they that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in truth.' While it is never possible to have the Spirit without at least some measure of truth, it is, unfortunately, possible to have a shell of truth without the Spirit. Our hope is that we may have both the Spirit and the truth in fuller measure."
- A. W. Tozer