For instance, when living in Maine I learned that:
* You cayin't get theyah from heyah (spoken very slowly).
* If you weren't born in Maine, you'll NEVER be from Maine.
* Be careful when you ask for directions. You'll likely get something like this: "...then turn at the big tree..." * there are 3 seasons in Maine: WINTER, Mud Season (also called black fly Season) and Summer (but you can't really count Summer, because it only lasts 1 week long).
* In Winter, you might actually have to pay someone to shovel snow off your roof.
Now that I live in a place spelled "Rhode Island" I have begun learning the uniqueness of my new home. So far, I've learned that:
* Spelling doesn't matter, it's pronounced "Road-I'-lin" (said quickly, with a heavy accent on the I).
* You've heard of 6 degrees of separation? In RI, it's only 2 degrees; everyone either knows each other or they are related. It's a small state after all.
* They don't really like to put road signs on the cross roads. It's okay to know what road you're on, but the road you want to turn on is a carefully guarded secret. After all, you should know where you're going.
* Be careful when you ask for directions. You'll likely get something like this: "...then turn where the old Armory used to be..." If that's confusing to you, check the point above- you should know where you're going.
* People born in RI don't like to travel far- and that means anyplace over 15 minutes (I'm serious).
* It's a law that every block HAS to have a Dunkin' Donuts on it.
I'm SURE there are more, but this is my list so far. I'll keep you updated as I'm indoctrinated. You gotta love this place. I do!
Scene One: Central New Jersey, a quiet little suburb of Red Bank near the East coast of the Atlantic Ocean. Fade slowly in:
I was sitting in my living room reading. It was early evening and my family was moving around the house doing their respective routines like homework, watching TV and washing clothes. It was a typical evening in the Burr home.
I don't remember what I was reading, except that it was spiritual in nature. Probably something by Peter Wagner, as I have read almost everything he has written! Anyway, I was comfortable, I was enjoying a good book and I was in a fine mood.
Out of the blue, God called for my attention. I was so totally drawn away from my reading, I closed my eyes to avoid any unnecessary distractions. I wanted to be open to what God had to say to me. I listened carefully.
I began to well up with a sense of the spiritual realm around me. I was aware that angels were all around, but it wasn't like they were around me specifically- they were just everywhere. Moving around, watching, protecting, whatever else angels do.
I perceived God wanted me to go outside. It was a cold night and the wind was blowing a bit, so I put on a coat and stepped out into the frosty air.
"Well, I'm outside, what do you want me to do?" I asked God.
I soon knew I was to pray for the people in the houses that surrounded ours. I started with the house right across the street and made a full circle to the right until I was back to the first home again. We lived almost at the end of the street, so there were six houses, one being at the very end of our three block long street. Part of my prayer was to request that God station angels at these homes. I prayed that these angels would guard and protect these homes and the people who lived in each.
When I finished with these six neighbors, I looked up the street. That's when I knew I should continue, so I moved off my lawn and onto the pavement. Walking down the middle of the road, I eventually went all the way to the other end, stopping momentarily to pray at each home and asking God to position angels at each location. I asked for a legion of angels at both the Police station and a ladies league building next to it.
When I reached the other end of the street, I just understood I was finished with my assignment. I had no clue what it was all about, but I did what was asked of me. So I turned and began my short walk back home, praising God and rejoicing with the angels that were now stationed all up and down the street where I lived. I went back into my living room, picked up my book and continued reading from right where I left off.
"Interesting," I thought, but had no idea what it was all about.
Scene Change: Next evening, same setting, but it's later. It's dark out, everyone else is in bed.
This night as I'm reading, I begin to feel afraid. We all get those weird "alone in the dark" sensations, but this was completely different. I tried to ignore it, but it was growing stronger. Before long, I was really frightened. Of what, I didn't know. All I did know was that moment by moment, I was becoming more terrified than I could ever remember.
It got so bad that I put my book down and started praying. I closed my eyes tightly and prayed for dear life. Nothing happened except that my fear grew greater. After some time of this, I realized my hands were stiff. I then noticed that I hadn't moved a muscle for a long time. I was frozen in place; I was "scared stiff!"
I wanted to open my eyes, but was afraid to do so. I imagined all kinds of evil beings hiding in the dark outside my living room window, peeking from behind furniture, ducking out of sight in the kitchen, creeping down the stairs, crawling up the chair I was sitting in. In short, I didn't know what to do! I could hardly even pray and my fear was getting worse by the second. I sensed evil all around me and it was out to get me.
I have no clue how long I sat there transfixed in my seat, but I finally got up the courage to drag myself out of the chair and into the kitchen. You have no idea how hard that was! I grabbed the phone off the hook, punched the speed dial to my pastor (my brother) and slid down the wall to hide beside the counter on the floor as low as I could get. I closed and locked the basement door and turned on every light, while I avoided looking out the window or into the other room.
"Howie- 9-1-1!" I cried, as I filled him in on my situation. I knew I needed prayer support, so I was glad when he began to give it. But nothing happened; I continued to get worse. He was praying alright, but covering everything under the sun- sort of like wide spread buck-shot- hitting everything, but not doing much damage to anything in the process.
We talked a moment and together decided we needed to be more specific. I was afraid, so Howie said we should pray against the spirit of fear. "Do it," I said. "I'm not going to be much help in my present state of mind." I remember he prayed that God would send His angels to help us in this fight.
As he prayed specifically now, my mind began to clear a bit. Suddenly, I understood we were praying against "the Strongman of Center Street" (the street where we lived). When I told Howie that, he began to pray even more specifically using that name I was given.
Then I realized the Strongman of Center Street was not fear. Fear was much more powerful than he and seemed to be coming in as if called alongside the Strongman to help him intimidate me- or worse.
When I told Howie this, he began to pray that people in Fear's area of responsibility would begin hearing and understanding the Gospel. That they would start accepting Jesus as their savior and overthrow the enemy's hold on their lives. Now we were getting somewhere! I could pray again and we continued to pray that people would come to the Lord in droves and Fear would be caught with his pants down, so to speak. We envisioned Fear away on a pleasure trip while those under his control were leaving the enemy's camp and turning to Jesus. I imagined people in bars, just getting up and leaving, sensing there was more to life. We could almost see "the Boss" coming in and screaming red-faced: "What is happening here?! Where is Fear?!"
Needless to say, Fear dropped everything he was doing with me and ran away so fast, it must have made the Strongman of Center Street dizzy! We took advantage of his stupor and ousted him from his assignment on Center Street.
Right then it was if a light switch was flipped. I was no longer afraid. Fear did not leave slowly, little by little, as it had come. It was instantaneous! We had finally hit the nail on the head.
I stood up confidently and looked through the window. I was not afraid. I opened the basement door and gazed down into the dark. Nothing. Things that moments before had unnerved me, held terror no more!
It was about then I remembered what had happened the night before. God had me station angels all up and down my street. Every house had at least one standing guard and there were two legions watching from the other end of the street. When we asked for angelic help, they didn't have far to go! God, in His infinite wisdom, knew what the enemy had planned for me and made sure help was nearby to assist ASAP. And help they did! The worst thing that happened to me was merely a sensation of fear. I suppose it could have been much worse if I wasn't being protected from the unseen realm. We rejoiced!
After I thanked my brother for his aid, I went outside, knelt on my lawn and praised God for His awesomeness. I could smell the cleanness in the air- almost like the way a fresh Spring rain cleans the air- but this was in the spiritual realm. I was aware of God's cleansing blood that flowed down the three blocks of Center Street that night.
- - - - -
Today I am reminded of Daniel, when he prayed seeking an answer from God for 24 days. An angel came with that answer and told Daniel that God had sent him immediately after he had spoken to God about it the first time. But on the way, the angel had encountered an evil enemy who deterred him all that time until Daniel's continued prayers gave the angel a more powerful reinforcement to help him get through to Daniel (Daniel 10). I wonder what would have happened if Daniel's answer angel had already been stationed nearby?
There really IS a war going on in the heavenlies. We might not see it daily (it's probably a good thing we don't!), but that does not deny its existence. Our prayers cause things to happen that would not happen if we didn't pray. When we start praying, we should not let our entreaties quickly fade. The "ammo" we pray into the spiritual realm gives strength to those on our side. The "ammo" we fail to pray defaults our enemies an advantage because our side is not strengthened.
Epilogue: It's been about ten years since that night. Fear has not bothered me from that day to this. Oh, he tries now and then, but I know his secret and how to defeat him, so he doesn't stay long. He used to have much more control over my life, but it's hard for me to even remember those days. I won my Fear Factor challenge thanks to Jesus.
Fade to Blood red.
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Prayer: Lord, our enemy would keep us in fear. He would keep us blind- especially to his existence, that he could better hide his evil work. But we have the truth! We know he exists; we know he fights against us and we know that when we stand up against him, he runs like a frightened puppy.
We are tired of blindness and tired of being afraid. We choose to open our eyes and fear no more.
I speak the truth over you, that you would be free from the enemy's lies and his hold over you. You were created to be victorious and I proclaim that destiny. Seek and find your place in the war.
I speak peace and joy into you, from the Holy Spirit of God Himself. Go with that blessing upon your life and spread it around.
God has called me to equip and empower His people for their ministries.
"But I would bring everything to the test of the Word and the Spirit. Not the Word only, but the Word and the Spirit. 'God is spirit,' said our Lord, 'and they that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in truth.' While it is never possible to have the Spirit without at least some measure of truth, it is, unfortunately, possible to have a shell of truth without the Spirit. Our hope is that we may have both the Spirit and the truth in fuller measure."
- A. W. Tozer