There are those who believe the Bible is our ONLY source of hearing from God. Now without going into a long diatribe, let it suffice to say I believe the Bible is ONE source, albeit the primary source. But there are other ways God speaks to his people today. God did NOT allow the Bible to be cannonized and then remove his other ways of communication, expecting us to limp along from there on out on only one resource of understanding what God desires for us.
The case I usually point to in this discussion is that of "the call" people receive to "go into" full time ministry (as if there is only one call into one kind of lifetime service!). Those who feel God has called them specifically to be pastors, officers, etc., had to "hear" from somewhere. If one feels God has called them (to whatever kind of service), they obviously believe God has in some way communicated to them his desire. I have sensed this call and yet I have never found directly in scripture the words: "You, Doug Burr are to become an officer in TSA."
However, God DID speak to my spirit directly and communicate this desire for my life. In fact, I was quite taken back by his "intrusion" on my thoughts when he did!
I was sitting in a worship service at a young adult retreat in New Jersey. A Major Joe DeMichael was speaking (and at that time, I wasn't too fond of this guy, but have since grown to love and admire him). Somewhere during his sermon, I heard a distinct voice "speak" in my mind. The words were my thoughts, but it was NOT me directing them. I began to have a conversation in my head (yeah- I know- proof of my schizophrenia). Actually argument might be a better term.
God said: "I want you to become a TSA officer."
I said: "Huh? What?" (I didn't know what was happening and I couldn't believe it anyway).
God repeated his directive.
I repeated my ignorance.
But God was patient with me. And I finally began to converse with Him.
DB: "Uh, God, you MUST have gotten a wrong number. Shouldn't you be talking to that guy over there?"
YHWH: "I know you and I am not mistaken. I have a plan for your life. Follow me."
DB: "O come on! I want to be a musician! I've got plans!"
YHWH: "I know the plans I have for you . . ."
We went on like that for some time until I realized what was happening. God- GOD! was talking with me! How could I ignore Him or tell him "NO, I won't do what you want?"
So I said: "Okay. I'll do it. But I'm not about to spend my life doing something I don't want to do. Before I go to training, you have to bring about a change of heart so that I actually WANT to be an officer."
In the next year, He did. And I have been listening and following God since. Right now, I can honestly say there is nothing I would rather be doing than officership and God DID have a wonderful plan for my life. I'm truly glad I followed HIS plan and not my own. Who knows how badly I would have screwed up my life by now?!
So there's one instance of God speaking. I believe God speaks like that daily (moment by moment) to those who listen for his voice. That's all it takes- listening. You don't even have to be a Christian to hear God's voice, because how would you ever become one, if you didn't first hear God calling you into salvation?
Andrew Murray in his book, Waiting on God, says:
"With every step we need and may have
a heavenly guidance."
Want biblical proof?
"Whether you turn to the right or to the left,
your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying,
"This is the way; walk in it." - Isaiah 30:21
And the cool part is this is only one of MANY ways God chooses to speak directly to us today! And I don't mean in generalities. I mean God speaks to US specifically about my daily choices and circumstances. God speaks to me. God speaks to you.
Are you listening?