Saturday, February 09, 2008

My God is so BIG! (but)

My world is so BIG! I think that because I am limited in my understanding and view of things. I don't think humankind was created that way, but because of the fall, we lost the ability to be aware of and interact with other aspects of God's creation such as other dimensions, angels, etc.

Therefore I am trapped within my own head. I can't get in your head; I have no idea what you're thinking, sensing or feeling unless you tell me. What I'm trying to say is my world revolves around ME. It's all I can see.

Now before you call me selfish- I remind you that your world revolves around you too! Frankly, it's impossible for any of us to see things from any other point of view. We can try, but when all is said and done, we are left alone with no one else's thoughts but what's banging around between our own two ears.

Now "when I consider the heavens . . . the moon and the stars which God has set in place" (Psalm 8:3)- what makes humankind so special that God even notices us? It boggles the mind!

Debbie and I live in a big house. There are times when I KNOW she's around- SOMEwhere- but I just can't find her! Good thing we've got cell phones. Now imagine if I was still looking for her and I discovered a note she left telling me she had gone out for a walk (fat chance that would happen in the Winter, but in warmer months, it's highly likely!). Now I'm looking in an even larger haystack.

What if she went out on an errand? A still larger haystack. Went to another State? Another Country? Continent? Now it's highly unlikely she's ever going to get off of this planet, but if she could, we would notice the universe gets even larger real fast! Now the term "needle in a haystack" is ridiculous!

Our true smallness in the universe could be a sad realization if it weren't for God. While God is so BIG (even bigger than his creation), he made us and cares for us much more than we will ever know. Incredible, but true.

The next time you take out the ol' telescope and look at that pinprick of light deep in space that is Antares, remember it's not as small as it looks.

Neither are you. Not in God's eyes!


jsi said...

It is amazing to see the planets and stars in volume comparison...what a mind blowing concept!
God is so BIG!

Gideon son of Joash said...

What about Krypton? How does that compare to everything else...or did I miss the entire point of the blog? ba ha ha ha. Good word.