Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Blood Sacrifice

DISCLAIMER: You know I have strong political beliefs, but with this note I am trying to avoid them for a deep spiritual purpose. I know to some of you it won’t look like I am trying to avoid anything, but I put this here to assure you my purpose is not political, even though it may make you think that way. I use strong words, because this is a strong issue that needs to be addressed. I am not looking for a fight- I don’t have it in me right now. So please read this prayerfully.

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There are many issues we need to think about during election campaigns. I have always been a bit concerned with those who simplify things down to one major issue and have agreed with those who have said “you can’t do that; there are too many other factors that need to be considered.”

But I read an email the other day that has made me think differently. At least about one particular issue- abortion.

In 2 Kings 3:26-27 there is a strange case of the king of Moab in battle with Israel. The battle is going against him, so he sacrifices his son and the battle changes so drastically that Israel quits and goes away. There is something important in this story!

Here is the spiritual premise: a blood sacrifice releases much power in the spiritual realm.

I need not remind any of you of THE great blood sacrifice that released such great spiritual power that we are redeemed from our sin! We are the direct recipients of the power of a blood sacrifice.

Jesus’ sacrifice obviously overshadows any possible comparison, but we cannot ignore the fact that a blood sacrifice also empowers the enemy and his forces that fight against God. We have seen the results of such blood sacrifice over the years- in scripture and more recently, specifically with Nazi Germany against Israel. The blood sacrifice of God’s chosen people brought great power to the Nazi regime.

As we look at the HUGE blood sacrifices that have been and are being offered to evil through abortion today in the USA, it really doesn’t take much to see that evil is running powerfully rampant in our society. God himself turns against those who choose to go against his ways. As a country, the single most important spiritual issue we face is how we deal with the innocent. God will not continue to sit by and bless those who blatantly trash his precepts.

Is the economy an important issue in this election? Yes it is. Could it be going awry because of the strong influence of evil empowered by a blood sacrifice? Yes it could. Could any other issue be put in this same category? Of course it could.

My point is, we need to change the way abortion is empowering the enemy in this country. The fact that we are so blind to this issue only goes to show how powerful the enemy has become in even fooling “the elect.” We need to eliminate the blood sacrifice that brings him such strength in his fight against God

How do we do that? By electing people who have strong convictions against allowing blood sacrifice to continue in this country. If we do that, we can begin walking the long path back to allowing God to bless this nation- again.

How does your candidate stand up to this test? The next president of the USA will probably have opportunity to at least place 2 new judges on the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court is the place where this abortion issue can be dealt with. If the next 2 appointments are pro abortion, we have lost the fight. If the next 2 appointments are anti abortion, we have a fighting chance to eliminate the enemy’s blood sacrifice empowerment and bring God’s blessing back.

Honestly, I believe there are a whole lot of important issues in this campaign. But as much as it is in my power, I cannot personally allow any of them to overshadow the importance of this one issue which can affect every other issue on the table. And God’s blessing, which we so desperately need.

Please pray hard and vote.


Kapten Clark said...

Thank you so much for this, brother. I receive it and confirm it (with a very sad and heavy heart)!

Please see some of my posts on the subject:

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, when considering the abortion issue in a political light, the solutions do not seem to be so clear. And in the political world, to focus on one issue is a sure ticket to marginalization. I abhor abortion. Truth be told, it is used as a means of birth control. Abstinence is a choice as well. But what is a good answer? When abortion was illegal, the procedure was still being performed and many were those who died at the hands of the untrained. Wouldn't it be so much easier if people could focus on the issue of why they feel the need to fulfill themselves sexually and not spiritually? And what about those children who are spared, but are born into unhappiness and neglect? All I can say is that my father was born out of wedlock, so it is only by God's grace that I am here at all. I do believe Roe v. Wade should be overturned, and that such an act should be accompanied by changes in adoption laws. Fundamentally, I think the abortion issue is but one part of a larger issue of people who are spiritually undeveloped. And with all such issues there is always a human cost...

Anonymous said...

As a follow-up to the previous post, it occurred to me that another type of sacrifice is going on. Perhaps not a blood sacrifice, but I dare say people are dying as a result. Sacrifice in the name of greed is what I am thinking about. When we look at the economic meltdown that has occurred, more specifically at the home foreclosures, what an insidious effect was greed in those situations! I am not just talking about the lenders, but both sides of those loans where one or both parties ultimately knew that the transaction that was about to take place was wrong. Greed on the part of the borrower to take on more debt than he/she could repay to live beyond his or her means. Greed on the part of the loan officer or broker who approved the loan anyway and did not care to think of the consequences. How many of those foreclosures resulted in people going hungry, getting sick, dying? All in the name of another kind of evil...greed. I am not so sure we have a political solution for that, either.