Saturday, May 11, 2024

Bass Trombone

About 3 years ago, I started noticing some amazing blessings God was sending our way- as we prepared for retirement. I could give you a long list of incredible things (and I likely will talk about many of them here in days to come), but want to focus on just one here:

In college, I majored in Performance on Bass Trombone. My intent was to play in an orchestra or pit band somewhere and my efforts went in that direction. That is until God told me he wanted me to be an officer in The Salvation Army. 

That "call" came along about 2 1/2 years into my studies. Once I agreed with his plan (and honestly that took awhile), Bass Trombone began moving down my list of priorities for things like public speaking and Bible classes. Before I entered The Army's school for officer training, I sadly sold my "baby" (a Holton TR180 with custom modified inline Thayer valves) and bought a small tenor trombone (Bach 16M), because that would be more practical (however it is the same horn Bill Watrous plays!). I still use that tenor today at my corps. I did keep my custom Bass Trombone mouthpiece (a modified Bach 1 1/4 G), however- just in case!

Over the years I have had many opportunities to play Bass Trombone in different Army bands, but always had to use the horn provided. Some were okay, others- not so much! But deep down, I truly missed playing "for real."

Don't get me wrong- I have loved my career as a Salvation Army officer with amazing appointments, people and going everywhere God has led us. I know his way was best and I was blessed to serve as he wanted. I wouldn't change a thing.

Then we retired in December. I happened to find a local community band that needed a Bass Trombone, so I went. And quickly discovered I needed my own Bass Trombone again! So I started looking. Now, mind you, the cost of a decent horn these days is seriously prohibitive. But to make a long story shorter, I found (ahem- God found FOR me) a brand new (only played once) Wessex inline double trigger for an awesome price! I drove 3 hours to my Mom's home town (Columbia, SC) try it out and instantly loved it. You can see it above!

Back in Myrtle Beach, the community band also has a Jazz Band (Jazz is in my blood!) AND Brass Choir (larger brass quintet, which I loved in college). I now play Bass Trombone in 3 different groups (and tenor and sometimes euphonium at the corps)! Retirement is like Frosted Flakes- it's G-R-E-A-T!

SOooo, the other day it dawned on me that God worked all this out to "give my Bass Trombone back again!" I did what he wanted for 42 1/2 years; now he is letting me do what I originally wanted to do for whatever years I have left. God is just SO cool! And I still get to work with the young adults at the corps too
(my ministry)!

My Dad used to say "God loves everyone, but he loves ME the best!" 

I know what he meant.

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