Tuesday, May 17, 2005

A Trip To Bangor, via Boston

I just got back from a day at the Boston airport, picking up Travis and Tara. I didn't expect it would take the whole day, but after they held Tara in Canada for fear of her being an international terrorist . . . gotcha- not really. But she did miss her flight because they kept her in customs too long. She arrived at the gate mere seconds after they closed the door and the plane left the gate with Travis wondering what had happened to his travel partner! Grrr! Deep breaths, Tara!

So Travis came into the USA first and Tara had to wait about 5 extra hours in Toronto before catching the next flight to Boston. Oh well, nothing to get too worked up about- Travis and I just headed to a local mall and TSA Thrift Store to pass the time (ask Travis about the shirt he bought!). Before we knew it, we were all heading to Maine up route 95 on a 3 hour tour- a three hour tour. The weather started getting rough- Oh, sorry.

They tried to make it the whole way without falling asleep (to get acclimated to their new time zone), but they were not successful! In fact, Travis may have whiplash due to his head flopping around as he kept dozing off! In the end, what should have been about a 7 hour round trip lasted about 15 hours! {sigh}

Tomorrow morning, they get to sleep in and get moved into their new digs. We'll get together after lunch and begin the mission of winning the world, starting in Bangor!

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