Monday, May 30, 2005

Watch that Cloud Cover

We packed our War College students into the car and took a trip today for some Maine sightseeing. Too bad we’ve been having poor weather. Cadillac Mountain doesn’t seem so high when the clouds settle in around your ears! We went up the mountain and right back down again. Nice clouds- not Maine’s best foot forward.

So we headed into Acadia National Park’s tourist trap- Bar Harbor. I’ve never seen it so quiet! If you need a T-shirt from Maine, this is where you go to get it! Lobsters, Moose (Meese?) and everything else you can fit on a shirt. All in all, maybe a couple of post cards were bought by us, but I was finally able to find my replacement Original Whamo Superball which was destroyed by our corps teens almost a year ago! That alone was worth the trip! Heh, heh.

I’ve been thinking about my disappointment today. We might not have been able to see the beautiful view all around us, but it was there anyway. How often Satan blows clouds in to cover up what God is doing around us. We then get disappointed in what we see (or don’t see) and assume God is nowhere to be found. But the reality is, he’s still there- he never left! We just need to take our focus off the clouds and keep moving by faith.

Have you been distracted and maybe disappointed by the clouds all around you? Don’t give up. God’s still there. If you keep moving forward in faith, you’ll come through the clouds soon enough. You can count on it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the clouds have lifted Doug. Get those young people back out to see some great sights of Maine. I am envious. Bar Harbor is one of my favorite spots on earth.