Sunday, April 09, 2006

Bangor's Loss is Charlotte's Gain

Travis Roberts left Bangor today. That's a real bummer. Other War College students have come and gone, and while I miss them to some degree, they weren't around long enough to get deeply tied in. Travis was our first such uprooting. I sit here realizing I feel this one. And it's not a good feeling.

Travis came to Bangor a little like Tigger- laughing and bouncing innocently through all kinds of things. He often seemed oblivious to the junk going on around him (he wasn't always). But all the while, making a difference in not only the people, but also the spiritual realm in and all around us. He did the spiritual realm stuff quite unsuspectingly and without even trying. That's because Travis' spirit of joy and his character is the exact opposite of what sits with a heavy stranglehold over Bangor and it's people. Travis cut through all that junk with ease; he made short work of it- and The Enemy wasn't too happy about it! We can only hope to pick up where he left off and keep the ball rolling.

We had some fun saying goodbye today, remembering all the wild and crazy things Travis did here (the tree, the sand, the van window, the cop, the cheezits, the TV shows he likes to say we hooked him on, his letting us win at Halo, etc)! We poked some fun with him, said some nice things, gave him all kinds of things to remember us with and prayed blessings over him as he takes his joy on the next leg of his life's adventure. Life in Bangor is sure going to be a lot less joyful for awhile!

We'll miss you lots, Travis. You snuck into our hearts before we knew it and made yourself a lifelong Bangorian. You're one of us and we love you. Hope you come back and visit. Soon. And often.

Tomorrow Travis flies to Charlotte, North Carolina to help with a USA plant of a 614 and War College. Our loss is their gain.

{Hey Travis! Stop collecting- you can't keep our keys!}


Aurora said...

I've never seen the 'Travis in a box' photo...where was that taken??

Seeker of The Light said...

Last summer's trip to the fort.

Tara Ayer said...

And for the record...that's a water bottle beside him. When I first glanced, I thought it was some kind of wobbly pop bottle.

kathryn said...

he sounds like a great guy!! you must feel sad. . . :( but glad that he's headed out to work in a different field.

Gideon son of Joash said...

oh man I am so white i nthat picture...looking at myself now, I guess I haven't changed much.

Anonymous said...

Indeed, Doug - it is a special gift to have Travis here with us. Thank you for releasing him in blessing to us.
Much love,
Heather Burr Dolby