Tuesday, April 04, 2006

God's a Pretty Good Mechanic

My son, Chris, has had his own car for the last few months. It was a nice sedan, but it was expensive to repair. Unfortunately, it needed more repairs than we had hoped. It was "nickel and diming" his finances to death. Actually, much more than nickels and dimes!

So the search has been on for a new car. Once we seriously started looking, we found one he liked in a local used car lot, but it was being sold "as is," meaning it needed some work before it was street legal. There was a sheet taped to the window listing all that had to be fixed. We called our mechanic and he told us repairs would cost between $400 and $1,000. The dealer offered us a good trade-in, so we seriously considered the purchase.

But buying used cars is scary business! We debated for a couple of days, thinking of all the things that could go wrong and wishing we could somehow figure out a way to know this was a good deal . . . or not.

Then it came to me- ask God!


So that morning as I showered, I asked God to give me some insight on the possible deal. I told him my concerns (
which he already knew) and he quickly assured me we could go ahead and buy the car. It would be a good purchase for a long time with few repairs. Now because he answered me so quickly, I still hesitated, thinking maybe I was hearing wrong. But when I asked him about that, he said it was certainly him and I had nothing to worry about. It was all over in a few moments!

So we went ahead and bought the car. A green Jeep Grand Cherokee. As I sat in the dealer's office, a calm came over me like I would never expect in such a place! I KNEW this would be a safe purchase for us and we never looked back.

So the car was towed to the repair shop. They couldn't get to it for a few days, so we waited for the final "damage." Yesterday, they called and said they checked and checked again, but 2 of the items on the list just didn't need to be repaired. It passed inspection and would cost us less the $200!

At that moment, I felt God smile. I realized his hand was all over this! Now whether the mechanics at the dealer were wrong or somewhere between the dealer and the repair shop things just "mysteriously got better," I don't know. But I DO know who was responsible.

And we are grateful!


Rebekah Dooley said...

that is a cool story :D

kathryn said...

yes, that is just so cool. . i totally agree!!! God is great!!

Seeker of The Light said...

Well, we all have our problems and things we have to deal with. But you've got the right attitude for those things that we do have to work through.

Deal with it, praise God for it and trust him to bring you through to the other side.

Always remember: "Don't get off the train when you're still in the tunnel!"

good mechanic said...

I need a good mechanic for my car repairing which do their job properly. Actually I want my personal mechanic which repair my as his own car. Please tell me if anyone knows good mechanic for my car.