This was a new season for me. Many things have changed since last year, including my roll in the 614 community. Oh sure, I taught a class, but I spent more time with leadership and past missioners than this year's batch of students.
I also spent quite a bit of prayer ministry time counseling as well as casting out demons. Yeah, I did do plenty casting with great results, but my prayer ministry time was regularly more than what it has been. I liked that.
The 614 community used me as a guinea pig in their latest innovation called "Community Hospitality." Basically different people fed me each meal and engaged me in hanging out! A smashing success, I'd say! I loved it!
I ended up with 2 new Battle Gear T-shirts! One is the new long sleeved "Saved to Save" design for officers. Yeah!
Computers were everywhere for me to use when I needed one. SL, JG, JS to name a few, but I offer special thanks to RB (who doesn't like to be called RB, but I'm just using initials!) who was exceptionally generous!
Here are a few of highlights from the prayer sessions:
One walked on water with Jesus! Steve Court: take note! Special Credit is due!
One had a Sword of the Spirit that was so big, it had to be handled with 2 hands! A Two-Handed Sword of the Spirit is awesome (and it does massive damage to the Enemy, trust me)!
More than a couple had false images of Jesus that were absolutely destroyed and replaced with an accurate image of The One who loves them like no other!
One had a wonderful banquet with Jesus and ate some very tasty stuff that dissolved the Enemy's influence!
One flew with Jesus over the countryside a la Peter Pan! There was powerful spiritual direction in their travel direction.
One did a deep sea dive underwater to find a sunken treasure chest. They were more valuable than any of the chest's jewels.
One took a high dive of a huge cliff with Jesus into crystal clear water!
I even got a session led by a wonderful team who were very helpful. Trust me, I needed some dusting off too!
Well, it seems my visit was all over before it started. Although the area may seem like a scary place for some, I've got to tell you, Vancouver DTES always feels like home to me. I love it- but most of all I love the people who are giving their lives in this place to help bring Jesus to the lost.
To all of you 614ites I offer my blessing for continued joy in service, successful ministry that changes lives and peace right in the middle of the Enemy's camp. Storm the forts of darkness- bring them down!

pull down the devils kingdom where'er he holds dominion storm the forts of darkness bring them down bring them down!
woot i love that song!
im not good with trusting my pictures as pictures with jesus, one time i saw jesus as a penguin tho!!
and no pictures to show us I'm surprised.
Ah Travis- I was waiting for the pics to be emailed. Something about a missing camera cable. . .
So here you go! This year's class in all their "glory!"
this is your first non-alley pic!
a new time, for sure!
loved reading about those prayer sessions. ptl! =)
Exactly! You caught my intentions. A new place for a new season.
the warrior on the far right (standing) puts me in mind of the noble evangelist Esther Mueller Vocke...so many faces have a familiar glow about them, though I'm certain I've only met one or two. It's the bonds of Holy Spirit that intertwine us all that I'm recognizing I suppose!
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