Tuesday, July 02, 2024

How to Make Sense of What's Going on in the World Today

Maybe my longest title ever- ha!

Do you, like me, wonder how on earth we got to where we are in the world today? I mean usually you can follow something from one point to the next until you have the destination. But nothing seems to explain how we got where we are. There is no logic or sense in our situation.

Well, if you really want to know what's going on, I suggest you buy and read "The Return of the Gods," by Jonathan Cahn. He actually explains it all extremely well!

How I would love to delve into his book right here and tell you some of it, but there is just too much there for me to even try. So what I'm going to do is write out the back cover to whet your appetite:

Is it possible that behind what is happening to America and the world lies a mystery hidden in the ancient inscriptions of the Middle East?

Is it possible that the ancient mysterious beings know as the "gods" have returned to our world?

What are the mysterious beings known as the Shedim? What is the house of spirits? And what does it all have to do with your life?

In The Return of the Gods, Jonathan Cahn takes you on a journey from ancient Sumer, Assyria, and Babylonia to find the puzzle pieces that explain what is now taking place before our eyes.

What are the gods? And what exactly are they? And could they be the hidden agents transforming modern culture and even your life?

Is it possible that in the mythologies of the ancient gods are the clues that reveal what is actually happening at the present hour?

Could the mystery of the gods have determined the exact days on which some of the most critical Supreme Court decisions have been handed down?

Who are The Possessor, The Enchantress, The Destroyer, and The Transformer?

Has one of the ancient gods actually manifested in New York City and ancient mythology played out on its streets in real time?

Where is it all heading? What does the future hold? And what do you need to know in light of it?

Prepare to embark on a fascinating, unforgettable, and mind-blowing journey where fact is stranger than fiction and where you will see the world as you never have before . . .

I've listened to this book and am now reading it carefully- with highlighter in hand. It's an urgent read for these days.


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