Friday, December 23, 2005

Which is More Important?

I've got a question I would like a little help working through. My guess is there are plenty of you out there willing to give me your two cents (or more!) in my quest.

Which is more important? And why do you think so?

1) Getting people saved.
2) Training the saved to grow and get people saved.

Maybe I'll blog some of my thoughts once I get some input.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Booth-Tucker Institute 2006

If any of you are familiar with The War College* in Vancouver, Canada, then you will be interested to know that for those of us who can't possibly take a year out of our lives to attend, CAN attend Booth-Tucker Institute (BTI). Click this link to get to the web page and learn about it. It still lists the 2005 dates, but I'm sure they will be updating things soon!

The new session will take place
June 23-30, 2006. I understand there will be all kinds of good stuff happening this year to help you better win the world for Jesus, so mark your calendars now and plan to attend.

Debbie attended the inaugural session in 2004. I am a member of the graduating class of '05. Let me tell you, this experience is life-changing!

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*The War College is a one year incarnational ministry training program that can best be explained as Salvation Army boot camp! The intent is to get soldiers back to their Army roots and get busy with our mission of winning the world for Jesus. Their mission to "Recruit, Train and Deploy" is working. They are sending dedicated men and women out on the battle field that are making a difference all over the world.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Diary of a Snow Shoveler

You've got to click on my title above to go to a web page that explains what it's like to live in Maine.

They HAD to create this after watching me my first year here.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

You Never Know . . .

Look around you right now. Not at the room you find yourself in- I'm talking about the people you find yourself surrounded by. I think, too often, we take them for granted.

I am told we should take the time to stop and smell the roses. How about stop and take the time to appreciate the people who make your life a pleasure? Why is it we always appreciate people after they're gone?

You never know how much you appreciate someone until they're gone and your situation changes for lack of their presence and input.

Bless Yahweh for those people he's put in your reach. In fact, why not reach out to them while they're still there and tell them how much you appreciate them . . . before it's too late and you regret taking them for granted?

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Every Knee Will Bow

God raised Jesus up to the heights of heaven and gave him a name that is above every other name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. - Philippians 2:9-11

EVERY Knee will bow! When was last time you bowed before Jesus?

Contrary to what some World Religions teach, the Jesus of Christianity is more than just a good man. He is God. We worship him as God and marvel in his awesome sacrifice that made it possible for us to be reconciled to God without suffering as he did- for our sins.

He is God; the
King of kings; creator, preserver, governor of all things. He is above all. He is almighty; he is magnificent; he is Lord of all.

He is the ONLY proper object of worship. There are no ifs, ands or buts- whether people believe that and worship him or not, one day, EVERY knee will bow before Jesus and acknowledge him as all of these things- and more!

On that day he will rise above all thoughts, all ideas, all theologies and he will stand high above everything and everyone to receive the honors he alone deserves- EVERY one will see the truth; who he is-

and in that moment, EVERY knee will bow.

When was the last time you bowed before Jesus? Have you EVER bowed before Jesus?

Sooner or later EVERY Knee Will Bow!

Years ago when Jesus was just a baby, some kings realized the truth. They traveled far and offered valuable gifts as they knelt before this little child. They knew who they were and they knew who he was. They did the only thing they could- they knelt- in submission- and worshiped.

Have you ever bowed in submission before Jesus?

Some Bow Before Santa:
O great gift-giver: I worship you so that I can get everything I want! Gimme, gimme, gimme! Here’s my list, make sure I get it all!
This may satisfy them for now, but on that great day, they will bow before a different giver and see the truth- and all the folly of being selfish. They will bow unwillingly, but they will bow. EVERY knee will bow.

Some Bow Before Humankind:
O great spirit of humanity: I worship you so that I can be master of all I survey! I am in control; I am complete w/in myself; I can do anything I put my mind to. I will be the captain of my own destiny!
This may satisfy them for now, but on that great day they will bow before a different master and see the truth- and all the folly of being self-absorbed. They will bow unwillingly, perhaps even struggling to the last in bending their knee to another, but they will bow. EVERY knee will bow.

Some Bow Before Jesus:
O great King of kings: I know who you are and I worship you because I also know my own insignificance. I know my sins and I see them as opposed to your purity and perfection. I am undone in your presence; I worship you because you know who I am and still love me; still stoop down to lift me up.
These will never stop praising Jesus; they will never feel they have worshiped enough for all of Jesus’ goodness and love. Their humility will be a sweet fragrance to God, instinctively drawing him to them for another whiff.

On that day, they will bow as willingly as they do now, but they will see the truth even more clearly as EVERY knee around them will bow as well.

Kings. Kings! Kings bowed before Jesus, even when he was just a little baby!

Will you bow willingly? Or will you bow under the pressure of that moment of truth?

When was the last time you bowed before Jesus? Have you ever?

Come, let us worship and bow down. Let us kneel before Yahweh our maker, for he is our God. We are the people he watches over, the sheep under his care. Oh, that you would listen to his voice today! - Psalm 95:6-7

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Scrooge is Alive and Well . . .

I'm sitting here irritated and a bit confused. I just had a lady come into my office and complain because the checkout clerk at our Family Store asked if she would like to donate a dollar to buy a Paper Kettle. Apparently, she has recently given toys and often shops at our store, so she thought it was too much to ask for another buck. This actually bothered her enough to go out of her way to travel to our other office to bring this complaint to "the Captain."

Well, I tried to be understanding, but if you've read any of my blogs and/or listened to my sermons lately, you'll know I was quite irritated at her irritation! I had little sympathy. No, strike that- I had no sympathy! I was nice and thanked her for her other help, but inside I wanted to get up and shout at her:
"Are you kidding?! You're angry because we asked you for a buck? Let me tell you about some people who wish they had a buck to give!"
I guess Scrooge is alive and well and living too close for my comfort. {sigh}

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Gimme, Gimme, Gimme!

So if it's better to give than to receive, why do we seem to be so concerned about what we want for Christmas?

When I talk with the kids at my corps about Christmas, they are only too willing to tell me what they want; what they are expecting their parents to give them. Shoot, many adults are the same way. I guess we've done a great job at teaching them? I can understand why the stores want to promote this way of thinking, but why we let them direct us there (as if with blinders on) is questionable at best.

My Dad has this great button he wears during the Christmas season: "Christmas is all about giving. Gimme, gimme, gimme!" Alvin the Chipmunk said he wanted a big empty box for Christmas. When Dave asked him why, he said: "So you can fill it with all kinds of toys for me!"

What can we do to at least start the process of getting out from under this consumerism? Any ideas?

Debbie & I have stopped giving each other gifts at Christmas. I mean it seems silly to ask someone who shares your bank account what they want, then go buy it when they could just as easily buy it themselves any time they want. And why buy something for someone they wouldn't buy for themselves? If they wouldn't buy it, why should I? Is giving someone something supposed to be proof of your love? I can think of many better ways.

And why should people go in debt each Christmas season?

At our corps we have decided to forgo giving Christmas presents to our Teens and Adults. Instead, we are raising money to send to the needy in some other part of the world through World Vision (a special offering every SonDay). As of right now, we have raised enough to buy a camel and a sewing machine! We're shooting for "The Whole Barnyard of Animals" package. I wonder if, by still giving our corps kids presents we are encouraging them into the consumerism I'm questioning here?

What do I want for Christmas? Nothing that you could buy for me. I want a quiet (rowdy?) Christmas SonDay Service (Holiness Meeting!) with my corps family. I'm praying ALL of them will come join in the celebration!

Friday, December 09, 2005

No Church on Christmas?

The "battle" "rages" in the USA over the "Christmas" season. Not only is there a huge backlash from Christians this year regarding the removal of "Christmas" and replacing it with "Holiday," I understand that certain large, very prominent mega-churches in the USA are NOT holding services on Christmas day since it falls on a SonDay.

Mike Gallagher, a radio talk show host, says he's asked these churches why and their primary response was "they can't meet expenses to hold services because not enough people show up when Christmas is on a SonDay." They said they also want to free their ministry staff to spend the day with their families.

Now these churches are holding special services before SonDay- some are holding many special services. But Gallagher and Jerry Falwell (Gallagher's phone interviewee today) feel this is anathama (maybe anathama's a little strong) and can't believe these churches are passing on services just because SonDay falls on a holiday.

As I listened to their conversation, I felt anger at these churches for caving so easily. After all, worship is not something we drop because it is inconvenient. In fact, King David felt sacrifice was an important aspect of worship. But then as I kept thinking about it, I also thought about the fact that worship doesn't have to just happen on SonDay. In fact, if it's the only time it does happen in someone's life, then I question if it is true worship.

Now I'll be at my church on Christmas SonDay (as I always have), but should I think less of those who choose to worship another time that week and stay home that day? What about those who always choose to worship on another day over SonDay? {Shudder to think! Worship on Saturday?!}

I think it's has a lot to do with the culture we've been brought up in. Holding a "church service" is not the most important spiritual aspect of being a Christian each week. Having relationship with the church is. Some accomplish that on SonDay's others work that out throughout the week.

Where will you be on this Christmas SonDay?

Monday, December 05, 2005

The Jesus Tree

With all the hubbub in the media about taking Christmas out of the season, I think this author has got it right!

May you not forget the reason for the season. May the Christ of Christmas bring you peace even in the midst of outward strife.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

MMCCXX and Maine. Perfect Together!

I've been thinking a lot about MMCCXX and how it would fit into the state of Maine. If you're unsure of what MMCCXX is, click this link to JAC, then at the bottom of that page, select back issue 35. There is an article starting on page 56 that will fill you in.

What I like most about MMCCXX for Maine, is how well it fits our demographics. Maine is mostly made up of small towns- too small, in fact, to support the typical Salvation Army operation of a corps. While we have tried to open new corps (in our division) over the last few years, we have had to back down and close them after years of failure- mostly financial. MMCCXX (we've GOT to come up with a pronounceable title!) is a model for planting Salvation Army presence in communities with NO financial support outside of the workers who take on the ministry!

As I see it, 2-4 people commit to starting MMCCXX in a Maine community. They "open fire" by moving into that community, find a place to stay and jobs. This model is called tent-making, after Paul who worked at making tents to support his ministry. From there, they start making friends and pray and invite their friends to hang out, eat with them and pray with them. How easy can you get?

As their numbers grow, they start cell groups. The cells divide as they get bigger. Before you know it, you've got vital Salvationists covering (infesting?!) a whole new community and it cost The Army nothing. Do you see how this model can work so well in Maine?

I'm convinced! We've got an MMCCXX plant starting right in Bangor as I write. God has provided 2 people to plow the ground (Aurora and Travis) and get things moving. Hopefully, we'll get 2-4 more people to start up in Millinocket next. Then maybe Callais? Ellsworth? Belfast? Before you know it, this Army will be covering Maine (and Northern New England)!

To steal a line from New Jersey- MMCCXX and Maine. Perfect together!

Anyone reading this getting a nudge to move to Millinocket this Fall? Let me know. I'm expecting takers, because I know God is speaking.

Friday, December 02, 2005

My Bible Marking System

Some years ago I developed a personal method of marking my Bible. I suppose there will be people out there who will just "die" to hear of anyone marking their Bible, but that's their loss. Any book worth studying is worth marking up BIG time to help you learn. In fact anything you can do to help you learn the Bible is certainly well worth it! Not to mention remind you, remember things you learned in the past and just plain help you find things quicker. Is your Bible worth studying?

I use colored marker pens (pencils would do) to underline and a yellow highlighter to . . . highlight {heh}. Here's the key to the colors I use:

Blue - is a promise of God.
Red - is anything bad (a punishment, a complaint, etc.).
Green - is a fact.
Purple - is means something special to me; catches my attention.
Orange - is a command; something we should do.
Brown - is a word of praise to God.
Yellow Highlighter - is for something I REALLY like; want it to jump out at me!
(sorry, I can't do highlighting in this blog, but you get the idea right? Below, I'll make the text BOLD to mean yellow highligher).

I don't necessarily mark everything, but here is a passage to give you an example:

2 Peter 3:8-18
But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.
9 The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.
But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything in it will be laid bare.
Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives 12 as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming. That day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat. 13 But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, the home of righteousness.
So then, dear friends, since you are looking forward to this, make every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with him. 15 Bear in mind that our Lord's patience means salvation, just as our dear brother Paul also wrote you with the wisdom that God gave him. 16 He writes the same way in all his letters, speaking in them of these matters. His letters contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the other Scriptures, to their own destruction.
Therefore, dear friends, since you already know this, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of lawless men and fall from your secure position. 18 But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen.

This makes for a great way for me to remember things God has given me in past studies. I can quickly find passages in my Bible when looking for a specific thing, because if I'm looking for a promise, I look for something marked in blue. Any different Bible I use could be marked differently, due to different things God gives me when I use that particular Bible.

So that's what I do. Do you have any particular method of marking your Bible? Tell me about it.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Casting Pearls Before Swine

Ouch! That phrase sounds a bit tough, huh? But when we take a closer look, Jesus is not telling us that those people who fight against us are pigs! Rather, he is giving us an example that animals cannot value the things we do and we should not expect them to. Therefore we should always be careful with those things that we value, but we cannot expect others to necessarily have our same values.

Here's a good example I got from a friend today: There is nothing we can do to teach a baby to value a fine antique vase- except show them our value of it as they grow up. If they respect us, over the years they too will learn to value the vase. One day, they may even be entrusted with its safekeeping.

I think the growing up part is important. Kids have little experience in life. The younger they are, the less experience. As they grow up, they have more experiences. Through it all, they learn to value some things and not value other things. What they learn to value depends on their experience.

Those who do not have our experience, will not have our values. We cannot expect them to understand why some things are important to us and others are not. In fact, it often works in reverse as well. What one person values another does not. That's where the saying came from: "One person's trash is another person's treasure."

What I have come to realize is I cannot teach another person to appreciate my spiritual values. I can discuss, argue and/or beat them over the head, but until and unless Holy Spirit gives them individual revelation the best I can do is pray for them. And continue to talk with them in hopes that God will use my mere words to jumpstart the process.

Then I work real hard at not letting them pull me or my values down. But that's the real hard part, huh?