Sunday, December 18, 2005

Every Knee Will Bow

God raised Jesus up to the heights of heaven and gave him a name that is above every other name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. - Philippians 2:9-11

EVERY Knee will bow! When was last time you bowed before Jesus?

Contrary to what some World Religions teach, the Jesus of Christianity is more than just a good man. He is God. We worship him as God and marvel in his awesome sacrifice that made it possible for us to be reconciled to God without suffering as he did- for our sins.

He is God; the
King of kings; creator, preserver, governor of all things. He is above all. He is almighty; he is magnificent; he is Lord of all.

He is the ONLY proper object of worship. There are no ifs, ands or buts- whether people believe that and worship him or not, one day, EVERY knee will bow before Jesus and acknowledge him as all of these things- and more!

On that day he will rise above all thoughts, all ideas, all theologies and he will stand high above everything and everyone to receive the honors he alone deserves- EVERY one will see the truth; who he is-

and in that moment, EVERY knee will bow.

When was the last time you bowed before Jesus? Have you EVER bowed before Jesus?

Sooner or later EVERY Knee Will Bow!

Years ago when Jesus was just a baby, some kings realized the truth. They traveled far and offered valuable gifts as they knelt before this little child. They knew who they were and they knew who he was. They did the only thing they could- they knelt- in submission- and worshiped.

Have you ever bowed in submission before Jesus?

Some Bow Before Santa:
O great gift-giver: I worship you so that I can get everything I want! Gimme, gimme, gimme! Here’s my list, make sure I get it all!
This may satisfy them for now, but on that great day, they will bow before a different giver and see the truth- and all the folly of being selfish. They will bow unwillingly, but they will bow. EVERY knee will bow.

Some Bow Before Humankind:
O great spirit of humanity: I worship you so that I can be master of all I survey! I am in control; I am complete w/in myself; I can do anything I put my mind to. I will be the captain of my own destiny!
This may satisfy them for now, but on that great day they will bow before a different master and see the truth- and all the folly of being self-absorbed. They will bow unwillingly, perhaps even struggling to the last in bending their knee to another, but they will bow. EVERY knee will bow.

Some Bow Before Jesus:
O great King of kings: I know who you are and I worship you because I also know my own insignificance. I know my sins and I see them as opposed to your purity and perfection. I am undone in your presence; I worship you because you know who I am and still love me; still stoop down to lift me up.
These will never stop praising Jesus; they will never feel they have worshiped enough for all of Jesus’ goodness and love. Their humility will be a sweet fragrance to God, instinctively drawing him to them for another whiff.

On that day, they will bow as willingly as they do now, but they will see the truth even more clearly as EVERY knee around them will bow as well.

Kings. Kings! Kings bowed before Jesus, even when he was just a little baby!

Will you bow willingly? Or will you bow under the pressure of that moment of truth?

When was the last time you bowed before Jesus? Have you ever?

Come, let us worship and bow down. Let us kneel before Yahweh our maker, for he is our God. We are the people he watches over, the sheep under his care. Oh, that you would listen to his voice today! - Psalm 95:6-7


armybarmy said...

this morning.

Soulpadre said...

You go, doug! Have not talked to you in far too long!