Saturday, May 26, 2007

5 New Soldiers!

Tomorrow we swear-in 5 new Senior Soldiers! Their ages range from 15 to 20 and after working through the soldiership materials with them, I am convinced they are all going to make powerful, faithful soldiers. Of course, that's the only kind of soldier I will make. I require a solid testimony and active involvement in the corps.

You see, I used to be a Water Safety Instructor. I taught and certified lifeguards. I was told that I should only certify someone if I was sure they could handle the job of a lifeguard. If I had any doubts, I shouldn't give them their certification, because if anything ever happened on their watch, I could be called upon to stand with them and my own skills could be called into question.

Since then, I have taken the same tack with making Army Soldiers. I need to be confident in their commitment.

I spent the better part of today working through the program, PowerPoint, sermon, ceremony, music, etc for this important event. I don't know when I've been more excited about making soldiers! You may think it's because my son is taking this big step in his life, but that's only a part of it. I'm really proud of each one of them and confident in their commitment to Jesus, The Army and the Bangor Corps. I've seen their commitment up close in the last few years and I am not only confident, I am sure God has great plans for them and they will step up to be valiant warriors!

Congratulations, Chris, Sean, Meghan, Brandi and Emily (Emily may not make it tomorrow, because of a previous commitment, but we'll get her soon after)! Stand like the brave with your face to the foe!

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