Sunday, June 03, 2007

The Father's Love for us

I've got a lot to talk about lately. I'm not sure why I haven't been blogging about it all. Guess I'll have to make up for it in the next few days. However, my first priority is this morning's worship service in Bangor!


I'll say it again. Wow!

I'll even say it backwards. Wow!

I can honestly say that was the best sermon I never preached!

Here's the deal: As we were praying in the chapel early this morning, God said his desire was to tell us he loved us with a Father's love. So we prayed and proclaimed that and spoke our willingness to receive that news deep in our hearts. During the meeting we spent some time praying for our corps vision and for George's healing from cancer. Then we worshiped.

As we started singing "How deep the Father's love for us," Holy Spirit began to move. So we repeated some of the song. Debbie led a time of prayer and God led us to prolong it a bit. As we were about to finish, Debbie felt she needed to say something. After she spoke, she asked anyone who needed to feel God's father-love for them to stand. Slowly at first, then people all over the room began to respond. She then asked someone near those people to give them a Father's hug. After a powerful time of God demonstrating his love to us, through us, we repeated "How deep . . ." There were not many dry eyes in the whole room!

At that point I realized I had nothing to add to God's word for us, so we sang another song and closed with a blessing to receive God's father-love and share it.

One of our teens was heard to say: "that was just like Youth Councils!"



Aurora said...

Good to hear God is still on the move! Praise the LORD for the reports from Youth Councils, new soldiers, (way to go guys!!) and this SONday! Much love to you all!

bedemike said...

Sounds to me like you were worshiping long before you started singing!

We'll miss not having the chance to minister with you in NNE.


Your former SV soldier

Sean said...

not going to lie Doug thats why i said it felt like youth councils again because Denise and Mary where right it shouldent just be a one day thing at youth councils we should bring it back to Bangor. And thats just what we did!

sixonefour said...

wow...that's good stuff, eh?!