After awhile, I sensed God wanted me to get under the waterfall of his grace again. He didn't need to tell me twice! I jumped right in and began to soak up all I could. After a time, he wanted me to roll over on my back. When I did, I soon sensed God sent angels to wash me with brushes. They were scrubbing me all over!
Then God had me go to my favorite spot in the corps building- under the Holiness Table. There the angels began to anoint me with oil. Soon the Holy Spirit opened a trap door in the back of my head and began to pour oil (Himself) in and it filled me up completely. When that was finished, he told me I was released from Bangor. I immediately felt a joyous freedom! Up until that time, I found it hard to think about and focus on Rhode Island. I kept coming back to Bangor as if something invisible kept restraining me.
From there out the day got progressively better (if you can believe that)! Study class was great; lots of people showed up to say farewell- some had never been to our church, some had been away for a long time. There was a great spirit (Spirit!) in the chapel; we were ready to worship! And that we did!
Stephanie has quickly become one of my favorite live worship leaders and she was seriously worshiping today! Tears welled in my eyes many times as we all lifted our hearts to Jesus. The whole room seemed to be worshiping with everything they had.
After my final message, our friends gathered around us and prayed for us. God spoke clearly through everyone who prayed. Some spoke words of comfort and challenge, others spoke words of prophetic power over us! These prayers reminded us that God has some powerful things in store for these people too. Their prayers were refreshing, challenging and encouraging. I will not soon forget the love spoken over us.
After singing "Nothing Compares to the Promise I have in You!," Debbie and I together offered our final benediction and blessing. I could barely keep my voice from cracking as emotion flowed over me and through me. Wow!
Many hugs, tears, good words and handshakes followed before we headed down for a fellowship luncheon together. Good food, pictures and a nice time of fun and memories before more hugs, tears, good words and handshakes! Whew! I was drained, but loving it. I could have done it all over again! We'll certainly miss the wonderful people of Bangor, Maine!
And the rest of the day got even better! I played my last game of Halo2 with Michael & Stephanie (they let me win!). We packed more (uh maybe this wasn't "better"), had a farewell dinner with Drew P and finished up with The Foundry (more cool worship and God's Word!). Then it was home again to pack more (ugh!) because the truck comes @ 7:30 tomorrow morning! And facebook and blogging before packing my computer (I hope I survive without it!).
Bangor family: Thank-you; it's been an awesome ride! You have blessed us and we will remember all of you with love. We are confident that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus (Philippians 1:6).
Stay close to Jesus!
oh yeah, we let you win alright! you bettter watch out next time, no more mr. nice girl! hmm, maybe i will have to practice with herbie and get good at that game. yeah that was a really special morning. bangor is going to miss you. i am going to miss you.
wow, i got all emotional just reading that, Dad. Great articulation...
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