Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Thinking About Moving

Well with 8 days left in Bangor before we move, it's beginning to hit me. I mean, I'll be sitting somewhere, driving somewhere, working at my desk, talking with someone, etc and all of a sudden it hits me: I'm leaving. It's no longer an exercise of the mind.

It's actually happening. I'm moving to Rhode Island (why isn't "Rhode" in ANY electronic spelling dictionary?) and leaving my house, my friends, my life . . .

Yeah, that's what it's like. I'm heading somewhere I know nothing about (well, very little anyway). I don't know the people. I don't know exactly what I'll be doing. I don't even know the directions to my office from my new home. Come to think of it, I don't know the directions to my new home without a map in the first place!

And we'll have to "prove" ourselves all over again to a whole bunch of new people, including our new leaders. We've been established and trusted here, but we're just a name to all our (soon to be) new friends in Rhode Island.

You know moving isn't what it's cracked up to be. Maybe I've been in New England so long, it's rubbed off on me and I don't like change any more! (Bet you like that one, huh Mary?)

Bangor has been a hard appointment in many ways, but when it comes right down to it, I'm going to miss a whole lot about this place! Especially many of the people.

When we moved here, I was taking a class that included a study of the moving process. It was interesting because I was able to see what they labeled the things I was feeling! As I felt the separation and loss, and went through the grieving process, I was able to relate it to the natural part of the moving process. It helped a lot.

The more I think about it while writing, the more I realize it's a good thing to actually FEEL these things. We shouldn't try to ignore our feelings- we need to experience them so we can work through them and come out on the other side. Sure we'll miss people, but it's not like anyone is dying! This is The Army after all, we'll see people over and over again (OOB, congresses, meetings, etc)!

I do think there are quite a few people in Bangor who are NOT dealing with their feelings about us leaving. They've been a bit distant these last few weeks and haven't said very much at all to us about our moving. I think they are just repressing their feelings and that can only come back to hurt you later.

When people say "we'll miss you," I say "good!" It's supposed to be that way, if you've become good friends. Separation is hard and it really hurts when it means something to you. Many people here mean a lot to me and I'm certainly feeling it!

You know, I'm actually feeling better after working through these things and writing them down. I know I'll have another wave of sadness soon enough, but I can also rejoice that I know these people in the first place! I got to spend 7 whole years in Bangor!

And that too, is a good thing!


stephanie said...

i'm going to miss you...

Anonymous said...

i am going to miss the talks we had on tuedays you will be missed my dear friend sad times that you will be leaving bangor but i will keep in touch with you and you and deb will be in my constant prayer for your new appointment. this is not goodbye but see you later. drl