Sunday, October 01, 2006

Don't Stop!

In New England, we just completed our annual Prayer & Fasting weekend (Fullness) at Camp Wonderland. It was a powerful time of fellowship, learning, worship and warfare! I believe much was accomplished in the heavenlies this weekend- especially since we were joining a world-wide prayer effort this year. Much thanks to Janet Munn for her God-anointed leadership in our territory (talk about a God-inspired appointment for us all!).

Great things took place and I'm sure I could blog for days about it, I only point out that God started this event a few years ago and it is just now beginning to break out into . . . (yeah- you guessed it) fullness! I understand that this year there are 8 divisions in our territory out of 12 (and what about the other 4?) who have scheduled such events. Incredible! God is ramping things up- get ready for the explosion!

I have a few others things to share with you today:

1) I want to make a clarification regarding my blog AGAINST human trafficking. While we should pray AGAINST the Enemy, his demons and their plans (like the trafficking of human beings), we should not pray against people. God loves every last one and desires that none would turn against him and lose his plan of salvation for their lives.

Our prayers for people should always be that they see God's love for them, repent, believe in Jesus and let Holy Spirit regenerate them into new creations.

2) Here are some specifics we can pray for in our war against human trafficking:

The Victims
The victims families
Careers and counselors
Police and immigration services
Lawmakers and governments
Media awareness
Those who abuse women
Those who profit from slavery and the sex trade
Against the Enemy and his evil plans

3) While our special weekend of prayer regarding Human Trafficking is quickly coming to an end, please don't let your prayers end as quickly! For the church to make a serious dent in such degradation we need to be persistent in prayer.

Ask and KEEP asking. Seek and KEEP seeking. Knock and KEEP knocking. If we will continue this attack on Satan's kingdom it is sure to fall and we will be witnesses to a HUGE victory for God. This is because our God is greater than even this problem. All he needs is our help in doing our part.

You're a part of the answer- don't shirk your duties. Pray!


kathryn said...

don't shirk my duties, pray. . that's as straightforward as it gets, Doug. . Thanx for that exhortation.

I'm so glad to hear about the fasting weekend and the prayer w/e for victims of human trafficking.. I know that Jesus was praying along with you all.

armybarmy said...

Doug- Don't be so politically correct. :-)
If any human beings deserve to be on the receiving end of the imprecatory psalms, I'd say it might be the bad guys involved in this ghastly evil. Let them get roughed up a bit...

Seeker of The Light said...

Point taken, Steve. As long as the end result is their salvation! Sometimes it takes a little roughing up by God to get our attention, huh?

Like the old country pastor who was called to come and pray for Granpa who was bitten by a rattlesnake (the family was one of the roughest in his congregation and rarely came to church). The pastor prayed:

"O lord! Thank-you for this rattlesnake, because it finally got this family's attention. Now send another big rattler to bite Granma, one for Junior and all the rest of the family. Amen."

Anonymous said...

Doug -- upon returning home from FULLNESS New England Prayer & Fasting I had another Division offer to host FULLNESS P & F next fall! That makes 9! Closer to FULLNESS than ever!