Sunday, February 18, 2007

I am Coming

For some time now I have been very concerned with the issue of Human Trafficking- to the point where I would call it a prayer burden from God. He's got some purpose for me and I have been meditating and seeking what and how I need to get involved in its destruction.

I just read Aaron's blog on ArmyBarmy about the I am Coming Campaign and I was immediately taken by it's simplicity yet power. I bought in!

There is hope; hold on just a little bit longer- I am Coming!

Go to the official site (
I am Coming). Click around; explore. Check out the videos (a surprise awaits in one). Sign the petition. Sign up for a ring (I can't wait for mine! Alas, I will have to). Read up on Human Trafficking. Talk it up. Do SOMEthing!

Did you know there are more people caught in this slavery right now today than there were in all the history of African slavery? Incredible. Yet it's more incredible that hardly anything is being done about it. In fact in some places, such slavery is even protected by some of the legal authorities?

There is much more to write about and I will be blogging more soon. It is welling up in me and I can hardly keep it down (not that I want to).

In the meantime- get busy learning as much as you can.

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