Saturday, April 28, 2007

Feeling Better

For those of you who might be worried about me, let me assure you I didn't stay "bummed" very long. I just needed to vent and Debbie (who I usually vent to) was away at school. I'm back in good spirits again. {whew!}

I will be heading off to "the procedure" in a couple of hours. I'm really NOT looking forward to it or the recovery period, as you can imagine. I AM looking forward to God's presence throughout and his promise that everything will come out fine "in the end." Get it? Sorry, that was for Howie.

Thanks for all the emails, notes and prayer support I've been getting. It makes a HUGE difference! Last night in our small group, before we left they asked to pray for me. I wasn't going to ask them to do so, but must admit I was quite happy they DID it. I was also very proud to see them taking the lead in such matters and DOING what I have been teaching them for the last 7 years! They even got out the anointing oil! Seriously nice!

My brother Howie prayed for me on the phone yesterday and while he was praying, I found myself sagging in my chair and almost fell asleep! Not that he was boring or anything(lol!), but I believe God was relaxing me and doing "something" I was unaware of. Suffice it to say, I liked it and have been looking up about the whole situation ever since.

God is good.

All the time!


Denise said...

All the time, God IS GOOD!

God is here...God is here...

kathryn said...
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kathryn said...

i've been praying for you, Doug! Its awesome that you felt God working within you as your brother prayed! Its also awesome that your small group broke out the annointing oil!

Aurora said...

Praise the LORD! God is good.