Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Come on, Travis!

We've been trying to convince Travis to stand kettles some while he's in Maine. He thinks he's done that before, but until you've stood kettles in Maine, you don't really know what standing kettles is all about!

I mean, really! Who wouldn't want to stand kettles wearing short-sleeves in Florida? What kind of a challenge is that?

Check out his blog (Made for War)- I think we've got him scared silly of the "stupid cold" we have in Maine. He's already collecting blankets, but were going to have to get him some snow shoes before he gets burried in his house one morning.

Bwa ha ha ha!


Jerrica said...

Hey mr. Burr that's true lol... hopefully we can get him to do the kettles... lol well ttyl byebye see u soon.

YOU DONT KNOW MEEEeeee said...

i need snow shoes, too.

Gideon son of Joash said...

Sure sure everybody laugh at the florida boy.