Saturday, October 22, 2005

The Creepiness of Sin

Wow! Gas prices are way down today! I just heard we're looking at $2.34 a gallon today. Isn't that great how cheap gas is now? Whew, what a relief!

What?! Are you crazy? Before all this mess started, we were paying somewhere around $1.45. Gas is roughly $1.00 higher than it was a year ago and we're praising the oil industry because of the wonderfully low prices?

You know how this happens? First, gas prices spike so high (more than double, well over $3.50 and rumor has it it's going even higher) that people actually consider other means of transportation. They whine and complain until the prices begin to drop a little. We are so pleased with the small dip, we forget what prices were in the first place.

Hmm, sounds a lot like the "frog in the kettle" syndrome.

If you drop a frog in a kettle of boiling water, he'll jump out immediately. But if you put him in a kettle and slowly bring the temperature up to boiling, he'll stay there until he boils to death!

Sin is like that. If things change quickly, we complain and run from it. If things slowly creep up on us, we get used to the minute changes and before we know it, it overwhelms us and we never knew what hit us. Give Satan an inch, he'll take a mile!

Case in point- have you watched any TV recently? Stuff that is "normal" today would never have been allowed just 10 years ago!

That's why we need to be vigilant. We must know what sin is and watch for minute changes in our life around us. We must stop the creep before it starts if we expect to get the better of it.

How creepy is that?

1 comment:

Karyn Baker said...

Great blog, Doug - so true. It reminds me of that scripture from 1 Peter 5:8 - "Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." But that doesn't mean he's necessarily going to pounce - prowling implies slow, steady action - like this raising of the temperature to a boiling point. Vigilance in required.

By the way - we miss your daughter terribly in Vancouver! (And I'm not sure that you and I have met, though I had the pleasure of meeting your lovely bride while at a Women's conference in Maine.) Be blessed in the name of Jesus!