Monday, October 24, 2005

Crazy Schedule!

My schedule goes crazy for the next couple of weeks!

Friday afternoon, our special guests for our Deeper Life Weekend, Ian & Elaine Gillingham arrive with Aurora and Jenn in tow (Jenn's just coming for the weekend, but Aurora's staying to start MMCCXX cell group ministry). The Gills are going to lead our evening cell group that night.

Saturday, we have a day of learning about Mercy and Social Justice (9:30 - 2:30). But not just learning, we'll actually be practicing it when we prepare and serve our Saturday Soup Kitchen meal. SonDay the Gills will continue challenging us as we serve Soup Kitchen breakfast, worship together and hang with the Bangor Teen Group.

Then as the Gills head back home to London, Ontario (long trip via car!), I head out to Atlanta, Georgia to teach a few days at Southern Territory's FireCrest and College for Officer Training. I'll be teaching about Listening to God and Spiritual Warfare, not to mention spending time in Prayer Ministry with students. This is a huge opportunity and I trust God has some equally huge things in store for that week!

When I get back home, I head out the next day for our Divisional Officer's Family Christmas Party (for those of you who don't know about the Army officer's Christmas Season schedule, suffice it to say we don't have time to do this event any closer to Christmas!).

The next day, we get a single day of vacation- probably our last for the year. We usually spend the night in a hotel somewhere in Maine, Vermont or New Hampshire and visit another corps on SonDay.

Then it's back to the office for a couple of days. On the very next Thursday, our kettle season starts, but I am headed off to New Jersey (for three days including travel) to participate in a good friend's wedding (Warren Smith, Jr). I'll be the best man (don't tell my brother, he always thinks he's the best man). When I get back, I'll just jump right into the Christmas schedule at our corps.

I'd like to request your prayer support for these days. If you're willing, drop me a line or post a comment. Check back here to see the results.


Rebekah Dooley said...

Jesus thank you for the life of doug and i pray for him right now that you will fill him up and when his cup is empty you will fill him again, i pray for supernatural energy and Rest. I ask for a blessing at the training college and allow him to pouring things you had blessed into him into those students. Hallejuah. May the last couple days be refreshing and relaxing and fun for doug. Amen.

Rebekah Dooley said...

couple of weeks i mean