Monday, October 31, 2005

Missed Opportunities?

Since I’ve blogged a bit recently about my frustrations, here’s another one.

We just had a special "Deeper Life" weekend at our corps. We plan these for our corps (I like to hold 2 a year, but our schedule can’t always accommodate) so we can deepen our spiritual lives without having to travel or pay conference fees. Many large churches hold these types of events- why can’t we smaller ones get the same benefit?

We brought in some friends (Ian and Elaine Gillingham) from London, Ontario Canada who had been to our corps before, made a great impression on us and blessed us tremendously. The subject this time was Mercy and Social Justice and I don’t know many other people who could teach with their wisdom, knowledge and experience.

God has been challenging us recently to expand our outreach. We have a soup kitchen that serves 100+ people a day, but it is staffed mostly by volunteers from our community. Only a few of us Army Soldiers have any involvement with the people and the huge opportunity it represents. I’m afraid we’ve also hired a professional Social Worker to do our "dirty work." I’ve said it before: just because "The Army" is serving and helping people, doesn’t mean we are doing it. I don’t think Jesus gives us individuals any credit at all for our Army’s good work if we aren’t doing it ourselves.

So here’s this incredible opportunity to spend a few hours on a Saturday learning and serving; being challenged to get involved; fellowshipping- but only a handful showed up. As I sat there blessed by the ones who did show up (having been "in on" their spiritual growth over the last 5 years), I also mourned for those who haven’t "gotten" it yet. They were not only "not there," they have missed the point of being soldiers in this great Army- we’re out to win the world (that’s people, by the way)! There were so many who could have used that time for their spiritual benefit!

{frustrated sigh}

Well those of us who did show up were blessed. We learned a lot and received some welcome impartation from some of my favorite people (who are welcome in Bangor any time)!

Are there any opportunities you’ve missed lately?


Captain Andrew Clark said...

I understand that completely Doug. Sometimes you have to spend that time investing in the ones who WILL come to equip them for spreading the fire in the corps.

The sad truth is that we can take the horse to the water, but we can make it drink. Our duty is to make sure there is water.

Keep is worth it.

Seeker of The Light said...

I assume you meant we "can't" make it drink!

And by the way- you're right!