Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Chicken Anyone?

Imagine getting a job at KFC (all the chicken you can eat!). On your first day you grab the mop and scrub the floor really clean. In fact, it's never been so clean and people start noticing the cleanliness of the restaurant. You'd think your boss would congratulate you, right?

But you were hired to cook chicken! Now when people come in your really clean store, there's no chicken. They might admire your floor shine, but there's nothing they came looking for, so they leave . . . hungry.

You've been hired by God to perform a specific job in his family. Wouldn't it be nice if you actually did what he wanted you to do? Do you even know what task he's assigned you?

What are your spiritual gifts? What you actually accomplish in God's kingdom is based on what your gifts are. If you don't yet know your gifts, how in the world can you possibly know what your job description is? And won't the church suffer if you aren't doing your job?

Hey- I need you to do your job. Not mine or anyone else's- your job. We need more "chicken" in the church. Get with the program.


Rebekah Dooley said...

I agree, the 1 cor 14 come into reality in the church today would be great to see. How powerful would that be in church, if everyone was using their part of the body. I am excited and praying for the day to come soon. very good insight :)

Anonymous said...

i love chicken!!

Anonymous said...

Do you ever wonder what the body of christ is really about - other than your typical 'sunday school answer'? DO THE PARTS WORK INDEPENDENTLY OF EACH OTHER?

I have a friend who wrestled with the thought that the 'body of christ' concept could be seen as the 'vine' concept: each part of the branches connect to the main part (Jesus) but they don't get their true substance from each other. They work 'independently' of each other but in direct contact with the Lord (tree),"I am the vine you are the branches". No where else are there specific references to each part of the body getting direct sustenance/dependence from the others - it says that we're not to think, 'I have no need of you/ am better'- right! BUT, I can work in my way, you in yours, and we can do our own thing as long as we're connected to the 'vine' ourselves. On a tree - if a branch is withered, don't we have to cut the branch off and the others are the same?

So, Do we work independently of each other ... or not?

Seeker of The Light said...

Well certainly we only get our "substance" from the Lord. However, I don't agree that each part works independently.

Cut a hand off from the arm and it does nothing. Take the eyeball out of the head and it does nothing. For me to walk across the room and pick up a book off the floor, all my body parts need to work together or it won't happen. If you do your thing and I do mine, how can we accomplish anything?

From Genesis 11:6 we get the concept that nothing is impossible for those who work together (unity). We also find in Acts 2 that unity was necessary for the Spirit to move in power in their midst. WHEN they were united, THEN he moved.