Saturday, November 26, 2005

Prayer SO Works. Why do we Worry?

For the last few months (with the intensity daily increasing) we've been wrestling with an issue that needed to be dealt with. We've been praying and I must admit- worrying about how it would all play out. I really hate worry and preach against it all the time, but now and then I find myself standing in the middle of a big stinky pile of it (are you getting my imagery?). Yeah, it happens.

So the time finally came to confront the issue and as nervous as I was, it worked out so simply I was amazed. So I sit here now contemplating why I worried when I prayed. I mean, if prayer works (and I believe it does), why can't I just trust God to answer and start looking forward to the creative way he is going to bring it to conclusion? Imagine going into a tough situation excited to see what God is going to do this time!

Sounds like a plan. Who's with me?

1 comment:

Aurora said...

yay for answered prayers! God is good!