Monday, July 31, 2006

Are You Paying Attention?

This past weekend we were able to see friends we hadn't seen for a long time. The first thing that noticed was the joy rising up in my heart when I saw them getting out of a nearby car. The second thing I noticed was my shock at how tall their "little" kids had grown! The last thing I remember was one hiding behind Mom's legs; now that same one was rivaling Mom's height! See what happens when you're not looking?

My son Chris, on the other hand, shot up mostly in a single year, but I hardly noticed it. Why? I was paying attention and looking at him daily. Little incremental changes are hardly noticed. Sounds a bit like the old "frog in the kettle" story:

Did you know that if you put a frog in a pot of boiling water, he will jump out immediately, but if you put him in tepid water and slowly raise the temperature, you can actually boil him alive, because he won't notice the deadly change.

Last night I arrived home from OOB feeling awesome! I had finally overcome the issue I've been struggling with for almost a year and was on top of the world. This morning, I feel sadness tugging on me and an almost overwhelming feeling of hopelessness. What gives?

As I spent time in prayer, I was reminded that there is a huge struggle with area Principalities in Bangor over depression and distrust. Leaving the area for just a few days was a refreshing break. Coming back, it always hits strongly again. That reminded me of this struggle which I had forgotten and gotten caught up in over the last year.

We can't allow ourselves to slowly get caught up in Satan's incremental ploys against us. We need to be vigilant and constantly remind ourselves of how he works on people in the areas we live in. And then, of course, fight against it! We should not allow him to gain an inch, because he will always take a mile.

We Salvos are a warrior people! We are raised up to fight the good fight; we are an Army. We are trained in spiritual warfare tactics and it should come as no surprise we are in this perpetual air/ground war until we leave this earth at our promotion to Glory.

During my time with God, I just pushed that junk the enemy was trying to drop on me right out the window. It has no place in my life and I refuse to take it on. I can stand strong in the fight, because I am empowered by the One who has overcome this world.

I believe it! Hallelujah!

1 comment:

kathryn said...

yes, that's just what they are, incremental ploys. . desperate ones. I'm thinking of this song "Prince of Darkness"

'Prince of darkness, you have no power here BE GONE! You have no power, you have no power here. .'

Yes! Thank God that this is true!!!