Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Alas! Such Nonsense!

There is some old advise that one should always hold a letter written in anger for a couple of days or so before it is sent. That gives you time to cool off and respond from a better place. I have used that advise to great advantage many times and can look back to see how grateful I am that I did not respond in the heat of the moment. This is especially wise advise in today's world of email. How easy it is to throw something down and get it off your chest . . . then watch the damage get out of hand before you have the chance to rue the fact that you did not wait.

Alas! I did perform such nonsense as of late! I responded to an email from an acquaintance too quickly. And I copied someone else who might have some sway over the first, thinking he'll show that guy the error of his ways. Ugh! Both of them responded to me with words I had unexpected, but truly deserved. As I read their notes, I did not get angrier, rather realized my mistake and felt the awful pangs of sorrow. It was a dumb thing to do, but it was too late to take any of it back (Delete's not working!). Thankfully, the situation was resolved and I believe I have been forgiven. But I still feel quite sad that I would have acted in such a way in the first place. Don't you just hate it when The Enemy gets one over on you?

Yet, there is always forgiveness in Jesus! No matter where we have strayed; no matter what we have said, what we have done, he is more than willing to drop it all when we see the error of our ways and return to him with humility and repentance. Good thing!

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