Thursday, December 23, 2004

Go Tell it! (redux)

One of the problems with being a better witness to those around us is the "secret" nature of The Kingdom. Only those who know of it can actually see the truth, so it is easy for others to make us feel like we're the crazy ones. And let's not forget that The Enemy is seriously involved here- trying to get us to "feel" bad, "feel" out of place or "feel" silly. It would be much easier if The Kingdom were more obvious.

1) The secret nature of The Kingdom is a tough one for us. It's hard to convince someone of something without showing them. But they won't be able to see or understand the truth of The Kingdom until they actually accept it. This can become a serious viscious circle! Yet God has designed it so that to see the truth, you must first believe the truth. Because of this, it is terribly important that we realize that there is nothing we can do to convince someone else of the truth. Argue though we may, we will never be successful. Only when The Holy Spirit gets through to them do we have any chance of helping them see The Light.

2) Feelings mean absolutely nothing! As humans in a physical world, we naturally place a lot of emphasis on what we feel. Again, God has designed things in such a way that we need to ignore (suppress?) our feelings when it comes to the truth. Truth is not based on how we feel any particular moment. When The Enemy tries to make us feel silly or out of touch, we need to act by what we know to be true, not how we feel.

I wish The Kingdom were more obvious to our physical selves, but it's not. Thus comes the struggle between the dark and the light within. However, one day The Truth will be made known to all! I can't wait!

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