Tuesday, December 28, 2004

S. A. D.

S. A. D. Know what it stands for? If you live in a cold climate where the days get short in the Winter, you've probably heard of it. Seasonal Affective Disorder. It's when you get too little sunlight and it affects your disposition. Too much darkness actually causes sadness and depression. For those who are affected and want to deal with it, you can buy a special UV light that you sit under for about 1/2 an hour in the morning. It makes a world of difference to your outlook.

How do I know this? I looked it up when I realized I was "down" way more than I ever remember being. By the way, I live in Bangor, Maine- it's way North and way cold with short days in the Winter! So I bought an expensive S. A. D. light. I've only been using it for a short while, but I already notice a vast difference (thanks, Donna, for the suggestion)! As I write this, the cool bright rays are soaking into my face!

It just dawned on me as I was spending some face time with God- there is such a thing as S. A. D. for Christians. Spiritual Affective Disorder. It happens when we don't get enough of The Son in our daily lives. Too much spiritual darkness actually causes sadness and depression. The remedy? It's a costly use of your time. And I recommend spending that time in The Son first thing in the AM! A half hour dose is a great way to start and you'll notice the difference in your spiritual life almost immediately.

How appropriate for a blog titled Light Seeker!


Anonymous said...

light seaker---sad only shows up when you have nothing else to do,if you were busy,you would not have time to be "Standing around doing nothing"---

Seeker of The Light said...

Anon- "Standing around doing nothing." How little you know of my schedule. Thanks for a good laugh!

Anonymous said...

seeker--no offense---spent to much time in Korea 1951--18 years old--chosen frozen-thats what we called the Resevoier--1 million communist after 150,000 U S troops,---we lost---thats what I call S A D---