Thursday, December 16, 2004

More faith, Lord, please?

Does anyone else have any problems with that green grass on the other side of the fence? It often seems like I'd like to be enjoying the success I see in someone else's ministry. "Man, why can't I be doing what he's doing, Lord? Why is my place so hard? Why am I stuck in my situation while she's getting to do all the 'fun' stuff?"

When I came to this situation, it was prophesied repeatedly that it was strategic on God's part. So I looked it up-

Strategy: 1) The overall planning and conduct of
large-scale military operation. 2) A plan of action.
Plan: A detailed scheme or method for the accomplishment
of an objective.

God has some BIG plans for me; I know this well. I've heard it too many times to doubt. But I still get caught up in the daily "grind" where it all becomes routine and mundane. It's hard to see the fruit that has been produced, because I'm looking at someone else's results, thinking "I wish that was me!"

Every person has a vital role in God's strategic plan to win the world, but we are all so different! God uses each of us just where he wants to; just where he has planned. After all, he made us to do those very things and be in those very places. We are NOT a square peg in a round hole- we fit exactly where God wanted us to. The problem is we don't always KNOW what that plan is. God doesn't always give us the info we want, because he's all about building our trust in him. "Without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6)."

Lord, I want to do my part. I want to do the things you've made me for; reach the people you've sent me to. I want to be faithful in the place you've set me. Help me be satisfied with my lot- which is NOT random, but at your strategic will for me.

More faith, Lord, please?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I also have a bad case of green-grassy-itis...I'm constantly falling into the trap of comparisions and like a wise friend once taught me: "Comparisons are lethal." But how do I stop myself from becoming entangled in that lethal trap? I think the only solution (or as Jennifer Lauren would call it...revelation) is becoming more sure of my identity in Christ. When I am confident that Jesus loves me JUST AS I AM, it frees me up to not have to strive to be something I'm not. And the funny thing is that it's so much easier being who God created me to be than trying to fit into someone else's cookie cutter mold. The trick is pressing in to that revelation of how God's vision of me and remaining steadfast and true to that. More revelations please Yahweh!
Tara Ayer