Of special note: My daughter Jenn, my adopted daughter Heather, my "wish she was my daughter" Acacia, Bangor Scholarship recipient Sam, Bangor intern Jon . . . uh this isn't going to work- they're ALL special and I said I wasn't going to name them all!
Of special note: My son-in-law Josh, my "wish she was my daughter" Baracah, Bangor scholarship recipient Linsey, Bangor Interns Travis and Aurora.

Of special note: Sister of my son-in-law Kirsten (the homie), Bangor interns Joel and Denise.
Of special note: Uh, still working on that, but I'm sure a few will rise to the occasion!
So there you have it. Doesn't it look like they're all having so much fun (except for Rob, in the top picture. But he really was smiling inside)?
If you're interested in attending, go to their web site and check things out. Canada not your thing? That's okay, there's a War College in Charlotte, North Carolina, USA and a couple of others in the works for the near future (Africa, Australia, etc).