I had wanted to see the movie for some time, but recently read a review that almost changed my mind by stating "If we wanted another 'Dangerous Minds,' we would have asked for it." Well to that I say "If we wanted another BAD movie critic's review, we would have asked for it!" How could someone be SO wrong about a movie? I'm glad I went anyway!
This is the kind of movie I like to see- it's a true story, it's hopeful and positive, and it ends well (in other words, I don't have to leave thinking up better endings). I cried many times as the story unfolded so personally. If you haven't seen it yet- what are you waiting for?!
Rather than offering another review, which you can find all over the Internet, I want to address two types of people seen in the movie that drive me crazy. Warning! Spoiler Alert (movie details will be discussed- don't read any further yet if you want to see the movie first)!
1) The spouse that leaves (because things change or get hard).
How sad is that? And I don't mean sad as "causing sorrow; depressing," rather "deplorable; sorry." I have very little understanding for people who give up on a marriage relationship because the other person grows, changes or becomes successful. That is truly a self-absorbed person and we all know the world's smallest package is "someone all wrapped up in themselves." They need an inner healing or something. "For better or for worse" means just that (end of diatribe; that's all I have to say about that).
2) The person who fights against another person because this other person is successful at doing things differently.
The teacher Erin had to report to became utterly deplorable (there's that word again; twice in one blog!) as the movie progressed. She became obsessed with Erin's getting around the system. She took it all personally and became the villain of the film just because "we don't do things that way." Instead of being glad for Erin reaching these kids and helping them make something of their lives, she actually grew to hate the kids and even Erin. Hate is such a strong word, but you could see it in her face and actions. She fairly shook with rage as she spoke against Erin and her kids.
I guess the reason this affects me so strongly, is because there are really people out there like this woman (I know because I've met them; even combated them once or twice). They lose all objectivity in their quest to defeat the person(s) they grow to hate. I say "grow to hate," because they usually don't start out that way- they develop the hatred as they see themselves somehow belittled by the successful person. It all becomes a personal vendetta to see them put in their place.
What SHOULD happen, is this person should see that the new person is doing something new and be glad for the change if it is working. Some ways of doing things just don't work any longer and should be tossed away if they are not producing results. Why we keep doing things because "it's the way we've always done them" is beyond my understanding; I just don't get it. Nothing is that sacred that we can't change the way it is presented in order to get better results. People change. The way we reach them will necessarily change as well. And that's a good thing.
This is particularly true for the Gospel. I could go on about that, but I'm sure my readers can make the jump from movie example to real life experience.
Too bad there are those out there who cannot.
I can definitely make the jump from movie to real life - I've had examples of this in my own life, for sure.
We saw this movie on Sunday night and there were many tears flowing. Although it at times, did seem a little "Dangerous Minds" like to me, this one was more personal and hit to the deeper levels of the heart. A good story to share about change and perseverance. So much so that we're going to see it for Teens on Thursday!
I've wanted to see that movie and had to resort to waiting again another week. It sounds terrific.
Keep writing, I've read your blog for a while, but now beginning to comment. You ahve terrific things to say and God is working through you and you minsitry and your encouragment in the Spirit.
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