Friday, January 26, 2007

Another Wonderful Day!

Hmm. I'm still wondering why my class on The Apostolic is always the least intersting for the students. Every year, they seem to zone out during these couple of hours- that is except one or two who seem to really catch on. Maybe that's the idea (it sure seems true for the rest of the body)- only some are meant to "get it?" I wonder why The gift of apostle is so confusing to many?

Ah well, there was still very good discussion in the Spiritual Gifts portion. I love good discussion with interested students! In fact there was some ideas brought up which will give me something to think about for awhile. Way to go, Jeremy!

Then I had lunch with Steve & Tara. Good conversation; great company. The food wasn't bad either!

So we continued with some great prayer sessions yesterday. There is always a WIDE range of experiences because there is an even wider range of people. No two prayer sessions are EVER even near the same! I am always amazed at that. Whenever I think I know what's about to happen, Jesus takes it in a direction I never expected. God is so creative and fun!

After my last prayer ministry session, I went to Knee Drill. I was refreshed by the wonderful praises ringing up to God! Then they asked me to get in the center of the whole crowd and they prayed for me. VERY good! Individual prayers and then everyone all at once- whew! It went right through me! I have never felt so appreciated as I do here. So many people tell me how glad they are I have come and give of myself. It's very humbling and yet it build me up like nothing else.

Aaaahh . . . I love it here!

Then to top off a great day, I spent the last few hours of the day chatting with Danielle. That is always one of my favorite things about spending time in Vancouver- I get to chat with Danielle! She is so funny, creative and wise. The apostolic fairly radiates from her through her cool personality and I soak in everything I can get. I always laugh heartily, learn a lot and get my creative juices flowing to apply to my own situation back in Bangor. There goes God again- blessing me through others.

That's what it's all about. I pray God can always easily bless others through me.


Rebekah Dooley said...

praise the lord,
I was hearing all last night when we were praying for you, More and the scripture, He annointed my head with oil and make my cup overflowing. I pray that the lord will bless you 100 fold in banghoe and your cup will be overflowing. It was a blessing to hang out with you on monday for a short while. Grace and blessings to you

Hezza said...

glad you were blessed up Dad.

Anonymous said...

1st time reader of your blog...

I gues it all depends on how you define "apostle" as many people are doing so differently.

One current definition is "innovative leader."

The best innovations come from Jesus!

Feel free to post/email more on this topic... which is VERY interesting to me!
