Of special note: My daughter Jenn, my adopted daughter Heather, my "wish she was my daughter" Acacia, Bangor Scholarship recipient Sam, Bangor intern Jon . . . uh this isn't going to work- they're ALL special and I said I wasn't going to name them all!
Of special note: My son-in-law Josh, my "wish she was my daughter" Baracah, Bangor scholarship recipient Linsey, Bangor Interns Travis and Aurora.

Of special note: Sister of my son-in-law Kirsten (the homie), Bangor interns Joel and Denise.
Of special note: Uh, still working on that, but I'm sure a few will rise to the occasion!
So there you have it. Doesn't it look like they're all having so much fun (except for Rob, in the top picture. But he really was smiling inside)?
If you're interested in attending, go to their web site and check things out. Canada not your thing? That's okay, there's a War College in Charlotte, North Carolina, USA and a couple of others in the works for the near future (Africa, Australia, etc).
all great pics!!!!! i feel very removed from TSA. . still, i love to see evidence of its fruitful activity.
ohhh pick me for your adopted daughter out of the revolution session.... ppppllllleeeeeaaaasssseeee doug! u know u want to!!!
ah the holies... what a beautiful bunch...
maybe someday i will be a special note. of course, i would probably have to get back into reading blogs...and i think that would be fun. and maybe someday back into writing blogs.
Lisa: I'm not intentionally picking people from sessions to "adopt." :)
Heather was a "God thing" and those endearing Wulfing girls just grew into my heart!
Anon: See now I was afraid someone would respond that way. :( I SAID they're ALL special to me, but I have to keep things short so Travis will read them! LOL
Maybe some day I will write a note about everyone and how special they are to me . . .
I really don't know what I was doing. If I knew I looked like that I would not have made that pose. Ha!
Kirsten: I've seen some of the pictures your family takes. Compared to some of them, this one's mild! :)
Oh and this picture is the better of the two we took. You should see you in THAT one! :)
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