Friday, September 16, 2005

Communication Anyone?

Yesterday we took time to travel to Jackson’s Point Camp Conference Center to scout out the probable location for the wedding. The camp is about an hour outside of Toronto and both Jenn and Josh like the setting for their big day. There, all activities can be in either one location or very close by.

It looks like we’re going to involve the camp conference center, the corps building and a local Chinese restaurant! It’s up to you to speculate what’s happening where!

The interesting thing was being a part of the process of two young adults from two different families trying to meld their ideas of what their wedding should look like. They had talked together about their ideas before this meeting, but as we forged out the details, there were moments when we wondered if we could even get on the same page! But we continued to chat and come together. Finally, it appeared that we had a workable plan. I’m sure details will continue to change until we get to the final product- which is how it should be.

Communication is key to any parties getting together in any situation. Being open and sharing your thoughts truthfully is always the best way. Hiding what you’re really thinking and jockeying for position via the "game" people often play is for the birds!

Those are good truths to remember in whatever situation you find yourself. I have always wanted to be a transparent person- not hiding behind a false mask, making people guess what you’re really up to. Truth is always the best way to present yourself.

Got anyone guessing what you’re really up to? Give it up!


YOU DONT KNOW MEEEeeee said...

communication...ah, good ole communication. where i live, we're not so good at communicating. its sad. but good, too- it keeps you on your toes, and helps you learn not to take up offense- hallelujah.

yay for weddings!

eLjay the bLuejay said...

Any guesses as to what they are up to... umm I'd say they are up to making it a fun and enjoyable event that I'm sure would make us all laugh and cry at the same time... I have met two Burrs and four Ivanys and I love both families very much... and miss them as well. I'm excited that they are bringing the two together, I'm not sure what they are up to, but I am sure it's going to be a lot of FUN!!!

Gideon son of Joash said...

Be honest the wedding is going to be ahighland theme. We all get to where kilts and have bagpipes.