Monday, September 19, 2005

Interesting Burr Tidbits

I just found out that there is a connection with the Burr family (particularly me) and Jackson's Point Camp! Yup.

Shortly after I was born, the Burr family headed to Jackson's Point for their vacation. My Dad drove with my brother and sister, while my Mom flew with me because she thought the long ride would not be good for the baby. So we spent a week or two right there on the lake . . . where Jenn & Josh are planning on getting married some 48 years later!

While I'm on interesting Burr facts, here's another one. The Burrs came to the USA way back in 1630 with Winthrop's fleet. They founded the city of Hartford, CT and moved South West to found Torrington, Burrville and some other little towns around that area of Connecticut. Some 352 years later, I go back to my ancestral roots to find and marry a girl from that area (whose family had moved there from other parts)! Debbie swam in Burr Pond practically every summer of her life until we met.

I find these kinds of facts fascinating! I think God might just smirk a bit every time he works one of these things out. One day, we might actually learn of many more such "God-incidences!" Isn't it great to see how he has organized and planned our lives into his great tapestry of life?

1 comment:

YOU DONT KNOW MEEEeeee said...

i am related to some famous-tpye go who has some famous-type quote from the american revolution (supposedly related to)
its cool, because he was all about revolution. yee haw! its in ma blood!
cool facts, though. a lil bit weird...but, cool nonetheless.