Thursday, September 15, 2005

We're in Good Hands

The Burr family is being hosted by the Ivany family. We're in good hands.

Did you ever see that old TV commercial where all the neighborhood kids hang out at one house? We've found that house. Or rather, we've found that family. I don't know when I've felt so warmly welcomed into a home and made to feel so much like part of the family.

This is a great family. There are many ways I can tell. One of them is the number of "fun" family pictures around the house. I am captivated by the smiles; the bunny ears; the smoosh of many faces into one picture frame. Pictures tell a lot about a family and through them, I know I'm not going to be worried about Jenn becomming an Ivany. She's in good hands too.

That goes a long way in calming a father's fears of losing his daughter.

I know, I know- I'm not losing a daughter, I'm gaining a son, right? Yeah, I'm coming to grips with that. But the truth is, this Dad's heart aches even thinking about it. Who would have ever thought this would be so hard? {sigh}


YOU DONT KNOW MEEEeeee said...

my house used to be like that. sometimes we'd come home and a friend would be chillin' watchin' tv and eatin' our food- or we'd leave and they'd stay. it was fun!
(we lived in a town where we didnt have to lock our doors)

Christin ><> said...

dude, sounds like my house back in wtvl. there were always random teenagers hanging out there...sometimes, when i'd be out of town, i'd call home just to see who'd answer the phone!

Glad to hear that the ivanys are good people.

Tara Ayer said...

Yeah...those Ivany's! They're everywhere. Today I was sitting beside one in what was supposed to be a somber moment but the two of us just kept getting the giggles to the point where even Danielle had to shoot us a dirty look!

Anonymous said...

Hey Doug,

It's just the beginning. It doesn't really get easier. You'll just eventually learn to go with the flow, so to speak.

