Thursday, September 07, 2006

Dear God Make it Stop

The Salvation Army is starting an annual international prayer week-end for victims of sexual trafficking. On Friday September 29 through SonDay October 1, Salvationists all over the world will be praying corporately and individually against this blight on humanity.

Ever since I saw the special movie "Human Trafficking" (get the DVD HERE) my awareness of ST has been heightened and my gut has been twisted. I honestly did not know the extensiveness. The fact that it exists is extremely frustrating to me and I have a desire to do SOMEthing about it.

If this sounds like feelings you've noticed in yourself, here are a couple of sites that might get you started:

For more information on The Salvation Army's prayer campaign against human trafficking, go to:

Please pray with me: "Dear God, make it stop!"


kathryn said...

i used to get the anti-trafficking email updates. . i receive them for quite a while - i had to ask them to stop sending them - i couldn't take it. pathetic, eh? i can't taking hearing about it and so many, many ppl endure it. . this problem is so huge, it's right up there with the 'big problems' in this world. . and it's mixed up with all those huge things, drugs, poverty, displaced persons etc. I am guilty of not praying often enough for those who suffer in this world. . and for not thinking beyond certain more 'palatable' issues.

Rebekah Dooley said...

i agree with that prayer. jesus make it stop.