Sunday, September 17, 2006

Teach Me To Pray

Today we learned about the power of prayer and how most Christians don't experience God's power because they don't pray. It's a simple truth that amazes me more every day! I mean, how can we claim to be Christians and not spend time with God?

In our corps, one of our mission objectives is "to Actively practice Intercessory Prayer for our community." One can easily see this if we look back over the years of what has happened here in Bangor. Over and over again, we see prayer as an important part of what we have accomplished for God. So we are now trying to get as many people praying as possible (not just the many intercessors God has placed here!).

Too many people don't know much about prayer, because they haven't practiced it (except when disaster strikes or they need something from God). So we need a simple way to learn. I just happen to know of such a simple way to learn about prayer:

I received an email invitation from Eddie & Alice Smith (I've read many of their books) to take a 52 week School of Prayer. The lessons aren't long, but over the course of a year (one lesson per week), you will move from being a non-praying Christian to one who experiences the power of God regularly! Assuming, of course, you follow through with all the lessons.

Today, 20 people signed up for this course! Even some who don't have Internet access will receive the courses printed out.

If you too are interested, I highly recommend this course. Just go to

and give them your email address. You won't get on a junk email list, but you will receive a lesson on prayer every week.

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